The example code from the MoviePy 10-minute tutorial was originally written for MoviePy version 1 and is not fully compatible with MoviePy version 2. This repository contains a modified version of the tutorial code that works with MoviePy v2.
- Updated syntax and API usage to match MoviePy v2.
- Ensures compatibility with the latest version of MoviePy.
- Provides a quick and functional example to help users get started with MoviePy v2.
- Python 3.8+
- MoviePy v2
- ImageIO, NumPy, and other dependencies required by MoviePy
To use this code, ensure you have MoviePy v2 installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Lets import moviepy, lets also import numpy we will use it a some point from moviepy import * import numpy as np ################# # VIDEO LOADING # ################# # We load our video video = VideoFileClip("./resources/bbb.mp4") ##################### # SCENES EXTRACTION # ##################### # We extract the scenes we want to use # First the characters intro_clip = video.subclipped(1, 11) bird_clip = video.subclipped(16, 20) bunny_clip = video.subclipped(37, 55) rodents_clip = video.subclipped( "00:03:34.75", "00:03:56" ) # we can also use string notation with format HH:MM:SS.uS rambo_clip = video.subclipped("04:41.5", "04:44.70") ##################### # SCENES PREVIEWING # ##################### # Now, lets have a first look at our clips # Warning: you need ffplay installed for preview to work # We set a low fps so our machine can render in real time without slowing down intro_clip.preview(fps=20) bird_clip.preview(fps=20) bunny_clip.preview(fps=20) rodents_clip.preview(fps=20) rambo_clip.preview(fps=20) ############################## # CLIPS MODIFICATION CUTTING # ############################## # Well, looking at the rodent scene it is a bit long isn't? # Let's see how we modify the clip with one of the many clip manipulation method starting by with_* # in that case by removing of the clip the part between 00:06:00 to 00:10:00 of the clip, using with_cutout from moviepy import vfx rodents_clip = rodents_clip.with_start(4, 10) # Note: You may have noticed that we have reassign rodents_clip, this is because all with_* methods return a modified *copy* of the # original clip instead of modifying it directly. In MoviePy any function starting by with_* is out-place instead of in-place # meaning it does not modify the original data, but instead copy it and modify/return the copy # Lets check the result rodents_clip.preview(fps=10) ############################ # TEXT/LOGO CLIPS CREATION # ############################ # Lets create the texts to put between our clips font = "./resources/font/font.ttf" intro_text = TextClip( font=font, text="The Blender Foundation and\nPeach Project presents", font_size=50, color="#fff", text_align="center", ) bird_text = TextClip(font=font, text="An unlucky bird", font_size=50, color="#fff") bunny_text = TextClip( font=font, text="A (slightly overweight) bunny", font_size=50, color="#fff" ) rodents_text = TextClip( font=font, text="And three rodent pests", font_size=50, color="#fff" ) revenge_text = TextClip( font=font, text="Revenge is coming...", font_size=50, color="#fff" ) made_with_text = TextClip(font=font, text="Made with", font_size=50, color="#fff") # We will also need the big buck bunny logo, so lets load it and resize it logo_clip = ImageClip("./resources/logo_bbb.png").resized(width=400) moviepy_clip = ImageClip("./resources/logo_moviepy.png").resized(width=300) ################ # CLIPS TIMING # ################ # We have all the clips we need, but if we was to turn all thoses clips into a single one with composition (we will see that during next step) # all our clips would start at the same time and play on top of each other, which is obviously not what we want. # To fix that, we need to say when a clip should start and stop in the final clip. # So, lets start by telling when each clip must start and end with appropriate with_* methods intro_text = intro_text.with_duration(6).with_start( 3 ) # Intro for 6 seconds, start after 3 seconds logo_clip = logo_clip.with_start(intro_text.start + 2).with_end( intro_text.end ) # Logo start 2 second after intro text and stop with it bird_clip = bird_clip.with_start( intro_clip.end ) # Make bird clip start after intro, duration already known bird_text = bird_text.with_start(bird_clip.start).with_end( bird_clip.end ) # Make text synchro with clip bunny_clip = bunny_clip.with_start(bird_clip.end) # Make bunny clip follow bird clip bunny_text = bunny_text.with_start(bunny_clip.start + 2).with_duration(7) rodents_clip = rodents_clip.with_start(bunny_clip.end) rodents_text = rodents_text.with_start(rodents_clip.start).with_duration(4) rambo_clip = rambo_clip.with_start(rodents_clip.end - 1.5) revenge_text = revenge_text.with_start(rambo_clip.start + 1.5).with_duration(4) made_with_text = made_with_text.with_start(rambo_clip.end).with_duration(3) moviepy_clip = moviepy_clip.with_start(made_with_text.start).with_duration(3) ######################## # CLIPS TIMING PREVIEW # ######################## # Lets make a first compositing of thoses clips into one single clip and do a quick preview to see if everything is synchro quick_compo = CompositeVideoClip( [ intro_clip, intro_text, logo_clip, bird_clip, bird_text, bunny_clip, bunny_text, rodents_clip, rodents_text, rambo_clip, revenge_text, made_with_text, moviepy_clip, ] ) quick_compo.preview(fps=10) ###################### # CLIPS POSITIONNING # ###################### # Now that we have set the timing of our different clips, we need to make sure they are in the right position # We will keep things simple, and almost always set center center for every texts bird_text = bird_text.with_position(("center", "center")) bunny_text = bunny_text.with_position(("center", "center")) rodents_text = rodents_text.with_position(("center", "center")) revenge_text = revenge_text.with_position(("center", "center")) # For the logos and intro/end, we will use pixel position instead of center top = intro_clip.h // 2 intro_text = intro_text.with_position(("center", 200)) logo_clip = logo_clip.with_position(("center", top)) made_with_text = made_with_text.with_position(("center", 300)) moviepy_clip = moviepy_clip.with_position(("center", 360)) # Lets take another look to check positions quick_compo = CompositeVideoClip( [ intro_clip, intro_text, logo_clip, bird_clip, bird_text, bunny_clip, bunny_text, rodents_clip, rodents_text, rambo_clip, revenge_text, made_with_text, moviepy_clip, ] ) # quick_compo.preview(fps=10) ################################ # CLIPS TRANSITION AND EFFECTS # ################################ # Now that our clip are timed and positionned, lets add some transition to make it more natural # To do so we use the with_effects method and the video effects in vfx # We call with_effects on our clip and pass him an array of effect objects to apply # We'll keep it simple, nothing fancy just cross fading intro_text = intro_text.with_effects([vfx.CrossFadeIn(1), vfx.CrossFadeOut(1)]) logo_clip = logo_clip.with_effects([vfx.CrossFadeIn(1), vfx.CrossFadeOut(1)]) bird_text = bird_text.with_effects([vfx.CrossFadeIn(0.5), vfx.CrossFadeOut(0.5)]) bunny_text = bunny_text.with_effects([vfx.CrossFadeIn(0.5), vfx.CrossFadeOut(0.5)]) rodents_text = rodents_text.with_effects([vfx.CrossFadeIn(0.5), vfx.CrossFadeOut(0.5)]) # Also add cross fading on video clips and video clips audio # See how video effects are under vfx and audio ones under afx intro_clip = intro_clip.with_effects( [vfx.FadeIn(1), vfx.FadeOut(1), afx.AudioFadeIn(1), afx.AudioFadeOut(1)] ) bird_clip = bird_clip.with_effects( [vfx.FadeIn(1), vfx.FadeOut(1), afx.AudioFadeIn(1), afx.AudioFadeOut(1)] ) bunny_clip = bunny_clip.with_effects( [vfx.FadeIn(1), vfx.FadeOut(1), afx.AudioFadeIn(1), afx.AudioFadeOut(1)] ) rodents_clip = rodents_clip.with_effects( [vfx.FadeIn(1), vfx.CrossFadeOut(1.5), afx.AudioFadeIn(1), afx.AudioFadeOut(1.5)] ) # Just fade in, rambo clip will do the cross fade rambo_clip = rambo_clip.with_effects( [vfx.CrossFadeIn(1.5), vfx.FadeOut(1), afx.AudioFadeIn(1.5), afx.AudioFadeOut(1)] ) rambo_clip = rambo_clip.with_effects( [vfx.CrossFadeIn(1.5), vfx.FadeOut(1), afx.AudioFadeIn(1.5), afx.AudioFadeOut(1)] ) # Effects are not only for transition, they can also change a clip timing or apparence # To show that, lets also modify the Rambo-like part of our clip to be in slow motion # PS : We do it for effect, but this is one of the few effects that have a direct shortcut, with_multiply_speed # the others are with_multiply_volume, resized, croped and rotated rambo_clip = rambo_clip.with_effects([vfx.MultiplySpeed(0.5)]) # Because we modified timing of rambo_clip with our MultiplySpeed effect, we must re-assign the following clips timing made_with_text = made_with_text.with_start(rambo_clip.end).with_duration(3) moviepy_clip = moviepy_clip.with_start(made_with_text.start).with_duration(3) # Let's have a last look at the result to make sure everything is working as expected quick_comp = CompositeVideoClip( [ intro_clip, intro_text, logo_clip, bird_clip, bird_text, bunny_clip, bunny_text, rodents_clip, rodents_text, rambo_clip, revenge_text, made_with_text, moviepy_clip, ] ) quick_comp.preview(fps=10) ############### # CLIP FILTER # ############### # Lets finish by modifying our rambo clip to make it sepia # We will start by defining a function that turn a numpy image into sepia # It takes the image as numpy array in entry and return the modified image as output def sepia_fitler(frame: np.ndarray): # Sepia filter transformation matrix # Sepia transform works by applying to each pixel of the image the following rules # res_R = (R * .393) + (G *.769) + (B * .189) # res_G = (R * .349) + (G *.686) + (B * .168) # res_B = (R * .272) + (G *.534) + (B * .131) # # With numpy we can do that very efficiently by multiplying the image matrix by a transformation matrix sepia_matrix = np.array( [[0.393, 0.769, 0.189], [0.349, 0.686, 0.168], [0.272, 0.534, 0.131]] ) # Convert the image to float32 format for matrix multiplication frame = frame.astype(np.float32) # Apply the sepia transformation # .T is needed because multiplying matrix of shape (n,m) * (m,k) result in a matrix of shape (n,k) # what we want is (n,m), so we must transpose matrix (m,k) to (k,m) sepia_image = np.dot(frame, sepia_matrix.T) # Because final result can be > 255, we limit the result to range [0, 255] sepia_image = np.clip(sepia_image, 0, 255) # Convert the image back to uint8 format, because we need integer not float sepia_image = sepia_image.astype(np.uint8) return sepia_image # Now, we simply apply the filter to our clip by calling image_transform, which will call our filter on every frame rambo_clip = rambo_clip.image_transform(sepia_fitler) # Let's see how our filter look rambo_clip.preview(fps=10) ################## # CLIP RENDERING # ################## # Everything is good and ready, we can finally render our clip into a file final_clip = CompositeVideoClip( [ intro_clip, intro_text, logo_clip, bird_clip, bird_text, bunny_clip, bunny_text, rodents_clip, rodents_text, rambo_clip, revenge_text, made_with_text, moviepy_clip, ] ) final_clip.write_videofile("./result.mp4")