Build Your Own House on the Web

On every social media platform you are a guest; you need to build a permanent house for yourself on the web
August 28, 2024 by
Build Your Own House on the Web
Hamed Mohammadi
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In today’s digital age, having an online presence is not just an option; it’s a necessity, especially for professionals looking to establish and grow their careers. The internet has become the primary platform for networking, showcasing skills, and reaching a global audience. While having active accounts on major social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram is beneficial for visibility and engagement, it’s not enough to ensure long-term stability. The landscape of social media is ever-changing, with platforms frequently updating their algorithms, policies, and features. These changes can significantly impact your reach and the way your content is perceived. To maintain a stable and flexible online presence that you fully control, it’s essential to build your own house on the web—a personal website that serves as your digital headquarters. This website will be your permanent address on the internet, where you can present your work, share your thoughts, and connect with your audience without the risk of being affected by the unpredictable nature of social media platforms.

The Ever-Changing Social Media Landscape

Social media platforms are dynamic and constantly evolving. New platforms emerge, while others fade into obscurity. Even the most popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are not immune to significant changes. These platforms frequently update their algorithms, which can drastically alter how your content is distributed and seen by your audience. For instance, a change in the algorithm might prioritize certain types of content over others, reducing the visibility of your posts without any warning.

Moreover, social media companies often revise their policies and terms of service. These changes can impact how you interact with your audience, the type of content you can share, and even your account’s security. In some cases, platforms may introduce new features that require you to adapt your content strategy, or they might remove features that you rely on.

The most drastic scenario is when a platform shuts down entirely. History has shown that even well-established platforms can disappear. For example, platforms like Vine and Google+ were once popular but eventually shut down, leaving users scrambling to preserve their content and maintain their online presence.

Relying solely on social media platforms means you are at their mercy. You have little control over these changes, and they can happen without notice, potentially disrupting your online presence and professional image. This is why having a stable home on the web is crucial. By creating your own personal website, you establish a permanent and reliable online presence that you control. Your website becomes your digital headquarters, where you can consistently present your work, share your thoughts, and connect with your audience, regardless of the changes happening in the social media landscape.

The Importance of a Personal Website

To truly own your online presence, you need a personal website. This website serves as your permanent address on the web, a place where you have complete control over your content and how it’s presented. It’s your digital home where you can showcase your work, share your thoughts, and connect with your audience without the fear of being “kicked out.”

Your website serves as your permanent address on the web, a place where you have complete control over your content and how it’s presented. Unlike social media platforms, where you are subject to their rules and algorithms, your website is entirely yours. You decide what to publish, how it looks, and how it functions.

Showcasing Your Work

A personal website is the perfect platform to showcase your work. Whether you are a writer, artist, developer, or any other professional, your website can serve as a portfolio that highlights your best projects. You can organize your work in a way that best represents your skills and achievements, making it easy for potential clients, employers, or collaborators to see what you can do.

Sharing Your Thoughts

Your website is also a space where you can share your thoughts and ideas. Blogging is a powerful way to express your opinions, share your knowledge, and engage with your audience. Unlike social media posts, which can get lost in the feed, blog posts on your website remain easily accessible and can be organized by categories, tags, or dates.

Connecting with Your Audience

A personal website allows you to build a direct connection with your audience. You can create a mailing list to keep your followers updated on your latest work, events, or thoughts. You can also integrate contact forms, comment sections, and social media links to facilitate interaction. This direct line of communication is invaluable for building a loyal and engaged audience.

Control and Ownership

One of the most significant advantages of having a personal website is the control and ownership it provides. On social media platforms, you are essentially a guest. They can change their rules, algorithms, or even shut down, leaving you scrambling to maintain your online presence. With your own website, you are the owner. You have full control over your content, design, and user experience. This ownership allows you to build a lasting and stable online presence.

A personal website is an essential tool for anyone looking to establish a strong and stable online presence. It provides a platform to showcase your work, share your thoughts, and connect with your audience, all while giving you complete control and ownership. Start building your digital home today and take charge of your online presence.

Starting Small and Growing

If creating a unique website seems daunting or financially out of reach at the moment, don’t worry—you can start small and grow over time. Begin with a blogging platform that offers flexibility and the potential for future expansion. Platforms like, Blogger, or Medium are excellent starting points. They provide user-friendly interfaces, customizable templates, and essential features to help you get started without needing extensive technical knowledge or a significant financial investment.

Choosing the Right Blogging Platform

When selecting a blogging platform, consider one that allows for easy migration to a dedicated website later., for example, offers a seamless transition to a self-hosted site, giving you the freedom to expand and customize your website as your needs grow. This way, you can start building your content and audience on a platform that supports your long-term goals.

Building Your Content and Audience

Starting with a blogging platform enables you to begin creating and sharing content immediately. Focus on producing high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Consistency is key—regularly update your blog with new posts to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Use this time to experiment with different types of content, such as articles, tutorials, videos, or podcasts, to see what works best for you and your audience.

Planning for a More Permanent Solution

While you build your content and audience on a blogging platform, start planning for your future dedicated website. Consider the design, features, and functionality you want to include. Think about your branding, such as your logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic. Research web hosting services and domain registration options to understand the costs and technical requirements involved.

Migrating to Your Own Website

Once you are ready to take the next step, you can migrate your content from the blogging platform to your own dedicated website. Many blogging platforms offer tools and plugins to facilitate this process, ensuring a smooth transition. By this time, you will have a solid foundation of content and an established audience, making the move to your own website a natural progression.

Benefits of Starting Small

Starting small allows you to learn and grow at your own pace. You can refine your content strategy, understand your audience better, and develop your skills in website management. It also provides an opportunity to build a loyal following who will support you as you transition to your dedicated website.

Starting with a blogging platform is a practical and manageable way to begin building your online presence. It allows you to create and share content, engage with your audience, and plan for a more permanent solution. By choosing a platform that supports future migration, you can ensure a smooth transition to your own dedicated website when the time is right. This approach enables you to grow your online presence gradually and sustainably, setting the stage for long-term success.

Centralizing Your Content

To maximize your online presence, it’s essential to make your website the central hub for all your content. This strategy ensures that your work is always accessible and under your control, regardless of changes in social media platforms.

Making Your Website the Hub

Your website should be the primary location for all your main content. Whether it’s blog posts, portfolio pieces, videos, or podcasts, publish them first on your website. This approach ensures that your content is always available in one place, providing a consistent and reliable experience for your audience.

Sharing Links on Social Media

Once your content is live on your website, share links to it on your social media accounts. This strategy drives traffic back to your website, increasing its visibility and engagement. By directing your social media followers to your website, you create a centralized point of interaction, making it easier for your audience to find and explore all your work.

Benefits of Centralizing Content

  1. Control and Ownership: By hosting your content on your website, you maintain full control over it. You decide how it’s presented, organized, and accessed. This control is crucial in ensuring that your content remains available and unaffected by external changes.

  2. Consistency: A centralized content hub provides a consistent experience for your audience. They know where to find your latest updates, regardless of the social media platform they use. This consistency helps build a loyal following and reinforces your brand identity.

  3. SEO Advantages: Publishing content on your website can improve your search engine rankings. Search engines prioritize original content hosted on dedicated websites, making it easier for new audiences to discover your work through organic search.

  4. Long-Term Accessibility: Social media platforms can change their rules, algorithms, or even shut down. By centralizing your content on your website, you ensure that it remains accessible to your audience, regardless of what happens on social media.

Implementing the Strategy

  • Content Management: Use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal to organize and manage your content efficiently. These platforms offer tools and plugins to help you optimize your content for search engines and improve user experience.

  • Cross-Promotion: Regularly promote your website content on your social media channels. Use engaging captions, relevant hashtags, and eye-catching visuals to attract attention and encourage clicks.

  • Analytics: Utilize website analytics tools like Google Analytics to track traffic, user behavior, and engagement. This data can help you understand what content resonates with your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and send regular newsletters to your subscribers, highlighting new content on your website. Email marketing is a powerful tool for driving repeat traffic and maintaining a direct line of communication with your audience.

Centralizing your content on your website is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits, from increased control and consistency to improved SEO and long-term accessibility. By making your website the hub of your online presence and sharing links on social media, you create a stable and reliable platform for your audience to engage with your work. Start implementing this strategy today to build a stronger, more resilient online presence.

Consistency Across Platforms

Maintaining consistency across all your social media profiles is crucial for building a strong and recognizable online presence. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by prominently displaying your website’s link on every social media account you manage.

Why Consistency Matters

  1. Ease of Access: By ensuring that your website’s link is easily accessible on all your social media profiles, you make it simple for your audience to find and visit your website. This ease of access is essential for driving traffic to your site and increasing engagement with your content.

  2. Brand Reinforcement: Consistently displaying your website’s link across platforms reinforces your website as the central point of your online presence. It helps establish your brand identity and ensures that your audience associates your social media activity with your main website.

  3. Unified Online Presence: A consistent approach across platforms creates a cohesive and professional image. It shows that you are organized and intentional about your online presence, which can build trust and credibility with your audience.

How to Implement Consistency

  1. Profile Bios: Make sure your website’s link is included in the bio or about section of all your social media profiles. This is often the first place visitors look for more information about you, so having your link there is crucial.

  2. Pinned Posts: On platforms that allow pinned posts, such as Twitter and Facebook, pin a post that includes a link to your website. This ensures that the link is always visible at the top of your profile, even as you continue to post new content.

  3. Story Highlights: On Instagram, use the Story Highlights feature to create a highlight dedicated to your website. Include a link in the stories and save them to the highlight so that visitors can easily find and access your site.

  4. Consistent Messaging: Whenever you share new content on social media, include a call-to-action that directs your audience to your website. For example, you can say, “Read more on my website” or “Visit my site for the full article.” This consistent messaging reinforces the importance of your website as the main hub for your content.

  5. Visual Branding: Use consistent visual elements, such as your logo, color scheme, and typography, across all your social media profiles and your website. This visual consistency helps create a unified brand identity and makes it easier for your audience to recognize your content.

  6. Regular Updates: Regularly update your social media profiles to ensure that your website link is always current and prominently displayed. If you make changes to your website’s URL or branding, reflect these changes across all your profiles promptly.

Consistency across platforms is key to building a strong and recognizable online presence. By prominently displaying your website’s link on all your social media profiles, you make it easy for your audience to find and visit your site. This strategy not only drives traffic to your website but also reinforces it as the central point of your online presence. Implement these practices to ensure a cohesive and professional image that builds trust and credibility with your audience.

Ownership and Control

When you rely solely on social media platforms for your online presence, you are essentially a guest in someone else’s space. These platforms have their own rules, algorithms, and policies, which can change at any time without notice. This lack of control can significantly impact your ability to maintain a consistent and reliable online presence.

The Limitations of Social Media Platforms

  1. Rule Changes: Social media platforms frequently update their terms of service and community guidelines. These changes can affect what content you can post, how it’s displayed, and who can see it. For example, a platform might suddenly decide to ban certain types of content or introduce stricter moderation policies, which could limit your ability to share your work.

  2. Algorithm Adjustments: Algorithms determine how content is distributed and seen by users. Platforms often tweak these algorithms to prioritize different types of content, which can drastically reduce the visibility of your posts. This means that even if you have a large following, your content might not reach your audience as effectively as before.

  3. Account Vulnerability: Your account on a social media platform can be suspended or removed at any time, often without warning. This could be due to a perceived violation of the platform’s rules, a security breach, or even a mistake. Losing access to your account can be devastating, especially if you rely on it for professional purposes.

The Benefits of Owning Your Website

  1. Complete Control: With your own website, you have full control over your content. You decide what to publish, how it’s presented, and when it’s updated. This control extends to the design and functionality of your site, allowing you to create a user experience that aligns with your brand and goals.

  2. Stable Presence: Your website serves as a stable and permanent address on the web. Unlike social media platforms, which can change or disappear, your website remains under your control. This stability ensures that your audience always has a reliable place to find your content.

  3. Customization: Owning your website allows for extensive customization. You can tailor the design, layout, and features to suit your needs and preferences. This level of customization is often not possible on social media platforms, which have standardized templates and limited options.

  4. Monetization Opportunities: With your own website, you have more opportunities to monetize your content. You can integrate e-commerce features, offer premium content, or display ads without sharing revenue with a third-party platform. This can provide a more sustainable income stream.

  5. Data Ownership: When you own your website, you also own the data associated with it. This includes visitor analytics, email lists, and user interactions. Having access to this data allows you to make informed decisions about your content strategy and audience engagement.

Building a Lasting Online Presence

By owning your website, you build a lasting and stable online presence. You are not subject to the whims of social media platforms, and you can create a space that truly reflects your brand and values. This ownership empowers you to grow your online presence on your terms, ensuring that your content remains accessible and under your control.

In conclusion, while social media platforms are valuable tools for reaching and engaging with your audience, they come with significant limitations. Owning your website provides the control, stability, and customization needed to build a lasting and reliable online presence. Take charge of your digital footprint by creating a website that you own and control, and enjoy the benefits of a truly independent online presence.


Building your own house on the web is a strategic investment in your professional future. It offers the stability, control, and permanence that social media platforms simply cannot provide. By creating a personal website, you establish a reliable and consistent online presence that you fully own and manage. This digital home allows you to showcase your work, share your thoughts, and connect with your audience without the uncertainties and limitations of social media.

Starting small with a blogging platform is a practical first step. It enables you to begin building your content and audience while planning for a more permanent solution. As you grow, you can transition to a dedicated website that reflects your brand and meets your evolving needs.

Centralizing your content on your website ensures that it remains accessible and under your control, regardless of changes in social media platforms. Consistency across all your profiles reinforces your website as the central hub of your online presence, making it easy for your audience to find and engage with your work.

Ultimately, owning your website gives you complete control over your content, design, and user experience. It empowers you to build a lasting and stable online presence that aligns with your professional goals. Your personal website is your digital home, a place where you can thrive and grow, ensuring that your online presence remains strong and resilient for years to come.

Build Your Own House on the Web
Hamed Mohammadi August 28, 2024
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