The Future of Typing: Why We Need Affordable Touch Screen Keyboards for PCs

Proposal: completely touch screen keyboards for PC and laptops
August 28, 2024 by
The Future of Typing: Why We Need Affordable Touch Screen Keyboards for PCs
Hamed Mohammadi
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In an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, it’s surprising that one aspect of our daily computing experience has remained relatively unchanged: the keyboard. While we’ve seen innovations like mechanical switches and ergonomic designs, the fundamental concept of physical keys has persisted. It’s time for a change. We need hardware companies to step up and create fully touch-based keyboards for PCs at a reasonable price.

The Case for Touch Screen Keyboards

Imagine a keyboard that combines the sleekness of a tablet with the functionality of a traditional keyboard. A touch screen keyboard would offer several advantages:

  1. Customizability: Users could customize their keyboard layout to suit their needs, whether for gaming, programming, or general use. Imagine having a keyboard that adapts to your workflow, displaying shortcuts and macros tailored to your tasks.

  2. Portability: A touch screen keyboard could be thinner and lighter than traditional keyboards, making it easier to carry around. This would be especially beneficial for those who work on the go.

  3. Versatility: With a touch screen keyboard, you could switch between different input modes seamlessly. Need a numeric keypad? Switch to the numeric layout. Want to draw or take notes? Switch to a drawing pad.

  4. Aesthetics: Let’s face it, touch screen keyboards look cool. They offer a modern, minimalist aesthetic that complements the sleek designs of today’s laptops and desktops.

The Current Market

While there are some touch screen keyboards available, they are often prohibitively expensive or designed for niche markets. For example, the Sensel Morph and Wacom Cintiq Pro are fantastic devices, but they come with a hefty price tag and are primarily aimed at artists and designers. What we need is a touch screen keyboard designed for the average consumer, priced competitively with traditional keyboards.

A Call to Action

Hardware companies have the technology and expertise to make this a reality. The demand is there; consumers are always looking for ways to enhance their computing experience. By investing in the development of affordable touch screen keyboards, companies can tap into a new market and set a new standard for typing.


The keyboard has been a staple of computing for decades, but it’s time for an upgrade. A fully touch-based keyboard offers numerous benefits and aligns with the direction technology is heading. Let’s urge hardware companies to innovate and bring this exciting technology to the masses at a reasonable price. The future of typing is touch, and it’s time we embraced it.

The Future of Typing: Why We Need Affordable Touch Screen Keyboards for PCs
Hamed Mohammadi August 28, 2024
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