Understanding Errors in Numerical Solutions

Numerical methods are sophisticated tools for solving complex problems, but we should be aware of possible errors
June 15, 2024 by
Understanding Errors in Numerical Solutions
Hamed Mohammadi
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Numerical methods are indispensable tools in engineering, physics, and applied mathematics, providing solutions where analytical methods fall short. However, these solutions are approximations and come with inherent inaccuracies. In this article, we discuss the nature of these inaccuracies, exploring round-off and truncation errors, and how they contribute to the total error in numerical solutions.

Round-Off Errors: The Finite Precision Dilemma

When we talk about round-off errors, we’re referring to the inaccuracies that arise due to the finite way computers store numbers. A computer can only represent a number with a certain number of bits, which means that the real numbers with mantissas longer than this bit-length must be shortened. This shortening can happen in two ways:

  • Chopping: Where extra digits are simply discarded.
  • Rounding: Where the last digit stored is adjusted up or down.

For example, the fraction 2/3 , when represented with four significant digits, could be stored as 0.6666 (chopped) or 0.6667 (rounded). Both methods introduce a round-off error. The magnitude of these errors depends on the size of the numbers involved and becomes particularly significant when dealing with numbers of vastly different magnitudes or when subtracting nearly identical numbers.

Truncation Errors: The Cost of Approximation

Truncation errors occur when a numerical method uses an approximate mathematical procedure instead of an exact one. These errors are inherent to the algorithm used and exist even if the computational operations are performed without any round-off errors. For instance, when a series is truncated to a finite number of terms, the remainder of the series that is not included in the calculation constitutes the truncation error.

Total Error: The Cumulative Impact

The total error in a numerical solution is the sum of both round-off and truncation errors. It represents the difference between the true solution (often unknown) and the numerical approximation. Estimating the accuracy of a numerical solution is complex, as the true error is usually not calculable. Instead, methods such as bounding the error or comparing numerical solutions to experimental results are used to gauge accuracy. It’s crucial to remember that experimental data also contain their own errors and uncertainties.

Mitigating Errors in Numerical Computations

To minimize these errors, one must understand the behavior of the numerical methods used. For round-off errors, using double precision arithmetic can reduce their impact. Truncation errors can be mitigated by refining the numerical method, such as using more terms in a series or smaller step sizes in iterative methods.


While numerical methods provide powerful means to solve complex problems, the errors associated with them are an unavoidable aspect of computational mathematics. By understanding and estimating these errors, engineers and scientists can better interpret the results of numerical computations and improve the reliability of their models and simulations.

The pursuit of numerical solutions is a balancing act between computational efficiency and the minimization of errors. As technology advances, so too do the methods for reducing these errors, leading to ever more accurate and reliable numerical solutions.

Understanding Errors in Numerical Solutions
Hamed Mohammadi June 15, 2024
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