The Power of Numerical Methods in Problem-Solving in Science and Engineering

Introduction to numerical methods for solving mathematical problems in science and engineering
June 14, 2024 by
The Power of Numerical Methods in Problem-Solving in Science and Engineering
Hamed Mohammadi
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In science and engineering, numerical methods are methods for solving problems that defy analytical solutions. These mathematical strategies are our allies when we encounter equations that resist a straightforward solution or are too complex to unravel analytically. An analytical solution is akin to a treasure map, leading us directly to the ‘X’ that marks the spot – a precise mathematical expression in terms of the problem’s variables. In contrast, a numerical solution is more like an estimate, a number that approximates the answer. Yet, don’t be fooled by the term ‘approximate’; these numerical estimates can reach astonishing levels of accuracy. The secret lies in their iterative nature, refining calculations step by step until the desired precision is within our grasp.

A Historical Perspective: From Abacus to Algorithms

The quest for numerical solutions is not a modern phenomenon. It’s a journey that began centuries, even millennia ago, with mathematicians of ancient civilizations laying the groundwork. Back then, the arduous task of computation was performed manually or with the aid of rudimentary devices, constraining the volume, speed, and exactness of calculations. Fast forward to today, and we have powerful digital computers at our disposal, capable of performing the once laborious calculations with ease and speed, delivering near-exact solutions in the blink of an eye.

The Scientific and Engineering Problem-Solving Odyssey

The toolkit we possess for solving scientific and engineering problems profoundly influences our approach. This odyssey can be charted through the following milestones:

  • Defining the Quest (Problem Statement): Here, we outline the challenge, detailing the problem, enumerating the variables at play, and setting the stage with boundary and initial conditions.

  • Crafting the Map (Formulation of the Solution): This stage involves selecting the physical laws or principles that best represent the problem and deriving the governing equations. The chosen models must align with the solution methods we plan to use. For analytical methods, the equations must be solvable by exact means, which may require simplifying the models. For numerical methods, we can embrace complexity, although practical constraints like computing time may necessitate some streamlining.

  • Embarking on the Computational Journey (Programming of the Numerical Solution): Selecting the right numerical method is crucial, as each mathematical conundrum has multiple numerical paths to explore, varying in precision, computation length, and programming complexity. Once chosen, the method is translated into an algorithm and a computer program, setting the stage for the computer to execute the solution.

  • Deciphering the Results (Interpretation of the Solution): As numerical solutions are approximations, they must be scrutinized for accuracy. This scrutiny can take various forms, such as verifying the solution against the original equation or comparing it with known solutions to similar problems. Rigorous testing ensures the reliability of the numerical solution.


Numerical methods are the unsung heroes of mathematics, offering a pragmatic approach to solving problems that analytical methods cannot. They are the bridge between theoretical models and real-world applications, enabling us to forecast weather patterns, design engineering marvels, and explore the vast unknowns of science. As technology advances, so too will the capabilities of numerical methods, continuing to expand the horizons of what we can calculate, predict, and ultimately understand.

The Power of Numerical Methods in Problem-Solving in Science and Engineering
Hamed Mohammadi June 14, 2024
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