What Context Objects Are Available By Default In Django Templates

November 14, 2023 by
What Context Objects Are Available By Default In Django Templates
Hamed Mohammadi
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In Django templates, the default context objects available by default are:

  1. request: An HttpRequest object representing the current request. This is the main way Django passes data such as the logged-in user and the current URL.

  2. session: The session dictionary for the current user, if sessions are being used. This is used to persist state over several pages.

  3. user: The current authenticated user. This is a User object if the user is authenticated; if no user is authenticated, this context variable will not be present.

  4. settings: An object that lets you access Django settings, such as the value of your SETTINGS_MODULE or any custom settings you've defined.

  5. perms: A template context processor that provides permission-checking methods in templates. This can be used to limit access to parts of a template based on the permissions of the current user.

  6. messages: A context processor that provides access to the messages in the request. This is a convenient way to display messages to users in response to their actions.

  7. STATIC_URL: This context variable represents the value of the STATIC_URL setting. It is a convenient way to reference static files in your templates.

  8. LANGUAGES: A context variable that provides a list of available languages for internationalization.

These default context processors are defined in Django settings and can be accessed using the 'django.template.context_processors' namespace.

What Context Objects Are Available By Default In Django Templates
Hamed Mohammadi November 14, 2023
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