Open the PostgreSQL interactive terminal:
sudo -u postgres psql
Enter these SQL commands one by one, to create a database, a user and a schema for your web application.
-- as postgres user -- Create the database for your application CREATE DATABASE mydb; -- Create the dedicated user CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword'; -- Connect to mydb \connect mydb; -- Create a new schema with myuser as owner CREATE SCHEMA myschema AUTHORIZATION myuser; -- Set some settings as recommended by the Django documentation ALTER ROLE myuser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8'; ALTER ROLE myuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; ALTER ROLE myuser SET timezone TO 'UTC';
To summarize, a database mydb and a user myuser were created.
Inside mydb, a schema myschema was created, owned by myuser. We also set some parameters for myuser according to the docs.