Implementing WYSIWYG Editors in Django Forms

Different options for implementing WYSIWYG editors in Django forms, how to setup, and a comparison
August 30, 2024 by
Implementing WYSIWYG Editors in Django Forms
Hamed Mohammadi
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When developing web applications using Django, incorporating a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor can greatly improve the user experience. These editors provide users with intuitive tools to format their content without needing to write HTML code, making content creation more accessible and efficient. In this blog post, we will discuss the step-by-step process of integrating various WYSIWYG editors into Django forms. We will cover the installation, configuration, and usage of popular editors such as CKEditor, TinyMCE, and Summernote. Additionally, we will provide a detailed comparison of their features, customization options, and ease of use to help you choose the best editor for your project.

1. CKEditor

CKEditor is a highly popular WYSIWYG editor renowned for its extensive feature set and seamless integration capabilities. Here are some key aspects that make CKEditor stand out:


  1. Rich Text Formatting:

    • Basic Styles: Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript, and superscript.

    • Advanced Styles: Font family, font size, text color, background color, and custom styles.

  2. Content Structuring:

    • Headings: Multiple levels of headings to organize content.

    • Lists: Ordered, unordered, and to-do lists.

    • Tables: Create and manage tables with advanced options like nested tables.

  3. Media Embedding:

    • Images: Upload, resize, and style images. Supports drag-and-drop and pasting from the clipboard.

    • Videos and Media: Embed videos, tweets, maps, and other media types.

  4. Productivity Tools:

    • Autoformatting: Apply formatting as you type using Markdown syntax.

    • Clipboard Integration: Paste content from Microsoft Word, Excel, and Google Docs while retaining formatting.

    • Spell Check: Integrated spell-checking and grammar suggestions.

  5. Collaboration:

    • Real-time Collaboration: Multiple users can edit the same document simultaneously.

    • Comments and Track Changes: Add comments and track changes for collaborative editing.

  6. Accessibility:

    • Keyboard Shortcuts: Extensive keyboard shortcuts for all major functions.

    • Screen Reader Support: Fully accessible for users with disabilities.

    • Right-to-Left Language Support: Supports languages written from right to left.


CKEditor is designed to be easily integrated into various frameworks and platforms:

  1. Django:

    • Installation: Simple installation via pip.

    • Configuration: Easy configuration through Django settings.

    • Usage: Can be used as a form widget in Django forms.

  2. JavaScript Frameworks:

    • Angular, React, Vue.js: Native integrations available for popular JavaScript frameworks.

    • Custom Integrations: Can be integrated with any JavaScript framework using its API.

  3. Backend Platforms:

    • Node.js, PHP, .NET: Compatible with various backend technologies.


CKEditor offers extensive customization options:

  1. Plugins: Over 500 plugins available to extend functionality.

  2. Toolbar Configuration: Customize the toolbar to include only the features you need.

  3. Themes and Skins: Change the appearance of the editor to match your application’s design.

CKEditor is a versatile and powerful WYSIWYG editor that can be tailored to meet the needs of any web application. Its rich feature set, ease of integration, and extensive customization options make it an excellent choice for developers looking to enhance their content management capabilities.

Installation in Django:

  1. Install the package:

    pip install django-ckeditor
  2. Add 'ckeditor' and 'ckeditor_uploader' to your INSTALLED_APPS in

  3. Configure the file upload settings in

    CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH = "uploads/"
  4. Include the CKEditor URLs in your

    from django.urls import path, include
    urlpatterns = [
        path('ckeditor/', include('ckeditor_uploader.urls')),
  5. Use the CKEditor widget in your forms:

    from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget
    from django import forms
    class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
        content = forms.CharField(widget=CKEditorWidget())

2. TinyMCE

TinyMCE is a widely used WYSIWYG editor that provides a comprehensive set of features designed to enhance the content creation experience. Here are some key aspects of TinyMCE:


  1. Rich Text Editing:

    • Basic Formatting: Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and more.

    • Advanced Formatting: Font family, font size, text color, background color, and custom styles.

    • Content Structuring: Headings, lists (ordered, unordered, and to-do lists), and blockquotes.

  2. Media Embedding:

    • Images: Upload, resize, and style images. Supports drag-and-drop and pasting from the clipboard.

    • Videos and Media: Embed videos, audio files, and other media types.

  3. Table Management:

    • Table Creation: Insert and manage tables with advanced options like merging cells, adding rows/columns, and table styling.

  4. Productivity Tools:

    • Spell Check: Integrated spell-checking and grammar suggestions.

    • Auto Save: Automatically saves content to prevent data loss.

    • Templates: Use predefined templates for consistent content formatting.

  5. Plugins:

    • Extensive Plugin Library: Over 400 plugins available to extend functionality, including plugins for code snippets, emoticons, and more.

    • Custom Plugins: Ability to create and integrate custom plugins to meet specific needs.


TinyMCE is designed to be easily integrated into various platforms and frameworks:

  1. Django:

    • Installation: Simple installation via pip.

    • Configuration: Easy configuration through Django settings.

    • Usage: Can be used as a form widget in Django forms.

  2. JavaScript Frameworks:

    • React, Angular, Vue.js: Native integrations available for popular JavaScript frameworks.

    • Custom Integrations: Can be integrated with any JavaScript framework using its API.

  3. Backend Platforms:

    • Node.js, PHP, .NET: Compatible with various backend technologies.


TinyMCE offers extensive customization options:

  1. Toolbar Configuration: Customize the toolbar to include only the features you need.

  2. Themes and Skins: Change the appearance of the editor to match your application’s design.

  3. Configuration Options: Over 400 configuration options to tailor the editor’s behavior and appearance.


TinyMCE is highly extensible, allowing developers to add new features and functionality:

  1. Custom Plugins: Develop and integrate custom plugins to extend the editor’s capabilities.

  2. API Access: Access to a robust API for deep customization and integration.

  3. Community and Support: Active community and extensive documentation to assist with development and troubleshooting.

TinyMCE is a powerful and flexible WYSIWYG editor that can be tailored to meet the needs of any web application. Its rich feature set, ease of integration, and extensive customization options make it an excellent choice for developers looking to enhance their content management capabilities.

Installation in Django:

  1. Install the package:

    pip install django-tinymce
  2. Add 'tinymce' to your INSTALLED_APPS in

  3. Include the TinyMCE URLs in your

    from django.urls import path, include
    urlpatterns = [
        path('tinymce/', include('tinymce.urls')),
  4. Use the TinyMCE widget in your forms:

    from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE
    from django import forms
    class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
        content = forms.CharField(widget=TinyMCE())

3. Summernote

Summernote is a lightweight and user-friendly WYSIWYG editor designed to be simple yet powerful. Here are some key aspects of Summernote:


  1. Rich Text Editing:

    • Basic Formatting: Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and more.

    • Advanced Formatting: Font family, font size, text color, background color, and custom styles.

    • Content Structuring: Headings, lists (ordered, unordered), and blockquotes.

  2. Media Embedding:

    • Images: Upload, resize, and style images. Supports drag-and-drop and pasting from the clipboard.

    • Videos and Media: Embed videos and other media types directly into the content.

  3. Table Management:

    • Table Creation: Insert and manage tables with options for merging cells, adding rows/columns, and table styling.

  4. Productivity Tools:

    • Spell Check: Integrated spell-checking and grammar suggestions.

    • Auto Save: Automatically saves content to prevent data loss.

    • Templates: Use predefined templates for consistent content formatting.

  5. Plugins:

    • Extensive Plugin Library: Various plugins available to extend functionality, including plugins for code snippets, emoticons, and more.

    • Custom Plugins: Ability to create and integrate custom plugins to meet specific needs.


Summernote is designed to be easily integrated into various platforms and frameworks:

  1. Django:

    • Installation: Simple installation via pip.

    • Configuration: Easy configuration through Django settings.

    • Usage: Can be used as a form widget in Django forms.

  2. JavaScript Frameworks:

    • React, Angular, Vue.js: Native integrations available for popular JavaScript frameworks.

    • Custom Integrations: Can be integrated with any JavaScript framework using its API.

  3. Backend Platforms:

    • Node.js, PHP, .NET: Compatible with various backend technologies.


Summernote offers extensive customization options:

  1. Toolbar Configuration: Customize the toolbar to include only the features you need.

  2. Themes and Skins: Change the appearance of the editor to match your application’s design.

  3. Configuration Options: Various configuration options to tailor the editor’s behavior and appearance.


Summernote is highly extensible, allowing developers to add new features and functionality:

  1. Custom Plugins: Develop and integrate custom plugins to extend the editor’s capabilities.

  2. API Access: Access to a robust API for deep customization and integration.

  3. Community and Support: Active community and extensive documentation to assist with development and troubleshooting.

Summernote is a versatile and powerful WYSIWYG editor that can be tailored to meet the needs of any web application. Its rich feature set, ease of integration, and extensive customization options make it an excellent choice for developers looking to enhance their content management capabilities.

Installation in Django:

  1. Install the package:

    pip install django-summernote
  2. Add 'django_summernote' to your INSTALLED_APPS in

  3. Include the Summernote URLs in your

    from django.urls import path, include
    urlpatterns = [
        path('summernote/', include('django_summernote.urls')),
  4. Use the Summernote widget in your forms:

    from django_summernote.widgets import SummernoteWidget
    from django import forms
    class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
        content = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget())






Ease of Use



Very Easy





File Upload









Open Source

Open Source

Open Source


Choosing the right WYSIWYG editor for your Django project depends on your specific needs. CKEditor and TinyMCE offer extensive features and customization options, making them suitable for complex applications. Summernote, on the other hand, is lightweight and easy to integrate, making it ideal for simpler projects.

After selecting the right editor for your project you can implement it in your Django project by following the steps outlined above. This enables you to easily integrate a WYSIWYG editor into your Django forms, enhancing the content management experience for your users.

Implementing WYSIWYG Editors in Django Forms
Hamed Mohammadi August 30, 2024
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