Python For Kids

Python For Kids

Python programming for kids.

Responsible Hamed Mohammadi
Last Update 11/18/2023
Completion Time 10 hours
Members 6
Basic Python
  • Introduction to Programming and Python
    • What is programming?
      10 xp
    • Why learn Python?
      10 xp
    • Setting up the Python programming environment
      10 xp
    • Writing your first Python program
      10 xp
    • Basic concepts in Python: variable, data types, operators
      10 xp
  • Working With Numbers And Strings
    • Arithmetic operations in Python
    • Understanding data types: integers, floats, strings
    • Performing string manipulation with built-in functions
    • Solving simple math problems using Python
  • Making Decisions With Conditional Statements
    • Introducing the concept of conditional statements
    • Using 'if' statements to make decisions
    • Understanding logical operators (and, or, not)
    • Applying conditional statements to solve simple problems
  • Repeating Tasks With Loops
    • Introducing the concept of loops
    • Using 'for' loops to repeat tasks a certain number of times
    • Understanding the range function
    • Applying loops to solve repetitive problems
  • Introducing Functions
    • Defining and calling functions
    • Using functions to organize code
    • Understanding function arguments and return values
    • Creating and using custom functions for repetitive tasks
  • Turtle Graphics and Drawing
    • Introduction to Turtle graphics library
    • Controlling the turtle's movement: forward, backward, left, right
    • Drawing shapes and patterns using turtle commands
    • Exploring colors and pen sizes
  • Interactive Programs and User Input
    • Getting input from the user using 'input' function
    • Using input to personalize programs and make them interactive
    • Creating simple games that invove user interaction
    • Understanding the concept of variables and their scope
  • Lists And Data Storage
    • Introducing the concept of lists
    • Creating and accessing elements in a list
    • Performing operations on lists: adding, removing, sorting
    • Using lists to store and organize data
  • More Turtle Graphics Challenges
    • Drawing more complex shapes and patterns using Turtle graphics
    • Combining different Turtle graphics command to create unique designs
    • Exploring more advanced drawing techniques: loops, functions, variables
    • Creating a personalized Turtle graphics project
  • Wrap-Up and Project Showcase
    • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
    • Troubleshooting common programming errors
    • Explore Python further and create your own projects
    • Python for Kids