Finding a Topic For Writing and Planning to Write

How to find a topic for writing and also choosing support ideas for developing the essay
May 19, 2024 by
Finding a Topic For Writing and Planning to Write
Hamed Mohammadi
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Getting started on any writing assignment, from a surprise essay prompt to a research paper you've chosen yourself, can be the hardest part. Even if you know the topic, figuring out how to approach it, what information to include, and how to organize it can feel like a brick wall.

Some writers stare at a blank page (or screen) hoping for inspiration to strike. Others dump everything they can think of about the topic onto paper in a free-for-all called free-writing. Then there are the planners who meticulously outline their ideas before even starting to write. Research can be a good first step too, either to learn more about a chosen topic or to find one that sparks your interest. And hey, with all this new technology, some folks even chat with AI bots to brainstorm ideas!

The truth is, there's no magic formula. Experienced writers use a mix of these techniques, knowing that what works for one person in one situation might not work for someone else. Learning when to use each approach is a key skill in becoming a better writer.

Brainstorming with Asking Questions

Stuck staring at a blank page for your next essay? Figuring out what to write about can be the hardest part, even if you have a general topic in mind. Here's a trick to get those creative juices flowing: turn the topic into a question machine!

Imagine yourself as a detective investigating your topic. What kind of questions would you need to answer to understand it fully? There's no right or wrong way to do this - you can brainstorm freely, write an outline, research online, or even chat with a chatbot (cool new tech, right?).

The key is to ask yourself a bunch of questions from different angles. What does someone completely new to this topic need to know? What are some surprising facts or interesting details you could share? Don't worry if some questions seem super broad or others get really specific - write them all down!

Later, you can come back and group these questions together based on how they connect. This will help you see patterns and figure out how to organize your writing in a way that makes sense. Think of it like sorting clues - it helps build a complete picture!

Remember, some questions might have simple answers, while others might open up a whole can of worms (in a good way!). Just keep brainstorming until you have a good pile of questions to work with. The more you ask, the more you'll have to write about!

Accumulating Ideas Using Clustering and Branching

Stuck with just a main topic for your essay and not sure where to go from there? The question method might be a good start, but there's another cool way to brainstorm ideas called clustering or branching.

Here's the idea: Imagine your main topic is a planet. Clustering lets you explore its moons! Write your topic in the center of a page, then draw circles around it. In these circles, write down anything related to your main topic, like details, examples, or even other questions you have. Some circles can be bigger, showing they're just as important as the main topic, while others can be smaller, like details orbiting a planet. If an idea seems way too broad, ditch it! We want to learn more about our original topic, not fly off into outer space.

Branching is another strategy, kind of like a family tree for your ideas. Write your main topic at the top of the page, then branch out lines below it for all the supporting ideas you can think of. Leave space between each branch because, just like a family, these supporting ideas can have even more specific details sprout from them! These details will help you flesh out each section of your essay. While a branching diagram might look organized, it's not quite an outline. It shows how your ideas connect, but not the order you'll write them in. An outline would show that order, like a step-by-step guide for your essay.

So next time you're staring at a blank page, give clustering or branching a try! It's a great way to blast off with your ideas and explore the coolest parts of your topic.

Coming Up with a Thesis Statement

After brainstorming with clustering or branching, you've got a ton of cool ideas! Now it's time to tie them together with a thesis statement. This isn't just another fancy term for a fancy sentence. It's your chance to take a stand on your topic!

Think of your thesis statement like a movie trailer. It gives readers a quick peek at the main topic and what you think about it. It should be in your opening paragraph, so readers know where you're headed.

Here's the catch: a thesis statement isn't just any opinion. It's a strong opinion! The bolder you state your stance, the more interesting your writing will be. Don't be shy, tell the world what you think! This strong opinion will act like a magnet, pulling all your ideas together into one cohesive essay.

Choosing the Method of Delivery

Not all essays need a super strict outline, but you do need a plan for how to organize your ideas. There are a few main ways to do this, kind of like choosing a route on a road trip.

Sometimes, brainstorming with clustering or branching will suggest how to organize your writing. For other topics, though, there might only be one logical way to present the information. If you try to force it into a different order, your essay might end up sounding like a jumbled mess!

Here are the three main road trip routes for essays:

  • Chronological: This is like going in order of events, like a historical timeline. Imagine writing about the history of video games. You'd start with the classics and move on to newer stuff.

  • Spatial: This is like describing a physical space, like a room or a whole city. If you're writing about your dream house, you might start with the outside and work your way inside, describing each room.

  • Logical: This is like saving the best for last (or putting the most important info first!). Maybe you're writing a persuasive essay about why everyone should recycle. You could start with some general info about recycling, then build up to your strongest arguments for why it's important.

Before you start writing, pick the route that works best for your topic. Think about where you want to take your reader and choose the order that will make the most sense!

Finding a Topic for Writing and Planning to Write

  1. For brainstorming ask the questions about the topic that you, and your reader, want the writing to answer.

  2. Use clustering and branching to identify find ideas and identify the relationships among support ideas.

  3. Write a thesis sentence that reveals your angle on the topic at the outset.

  4. Select the most appropriate order of delivery for your topic.

Finding a Topic For Writing and Planning to Write
Hamed Mohammadi May 19, 2024
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