Is Ajax call obsolete with new features of JavaScript and TypeScript?

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), a technology that allows web pages to make asynchronous requests to a server, is still widely used in web development
December 3, 2023 by
Is Ajax call obsolete with new features of JavaScript and TypeScript?
Hamed Mohammadi
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AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) has been a staple in web development for years. It revolutionized how web pages interacted with servers by enabling asynchronous requests. This means a webpage could fetch data from the server without having to reload the entire page, creating a more seamless and responsive user experience.

However, while AJAX remains prevalent, there are advancements and alternative approaches to consider:

  • Fetch API: This is a modern, built-in browser API that simplifies asynchronous data fetching compared to the more verbose approach of AJAX. It offers a cleaner syntax and promises for handling responses.
  • WebSockets: This technology allows for real-time, two-way communication between a web page and a server. Unlike AJAX's request-response cycle, WebSockets enable a persistent connection, making them ideal for applications requiring constant data updates, like chat or live dashboards.
  • Server-Sent Events (SSE): Similar to WebSockets, SSE facilitates real-time data pushing from the server to the browser. However, SSE offers a simpler setup compared to WebSockets, making it suitable for scenarios where the server needs to broadcast data to connected clients.
  • GraphQL: This query language allows you to fetch specific data from an API in a single request, reducing the number of round trips needed between the client and server. This can significantly improve performance, especially for complex data fetching scenarios.

The choice between AJAX and these alternatives depends on your specific needs. AJAX remains a solid option for many situations, but these newer app​roaches offer advantages in terms of simplicity, performance, and real-time communication capabilities.

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Web Communication: AJAX, WebSockets, Fetch API, and TypeScript

While AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) has long been the workhorse for in-page communication between web pages and servers, the landscape is constantly evolving. Here's a deeper dive into some key technologies and considerations:

1. AJAX (XHR): The Established Workhorse

  • Core Functionality: AJAX, primarily implemented through XMLHttpRequest (XHR), allows JavaScript to make asynchronous requests to servers without full page reloads. This enables features like dynamic data updates, form submissions, and partial page refreshes.
  • Strengths: AJAX is well-established, widely supported, and offers a solid foundation for various web interactions.
  • Limitations: The syntax can be verbose, and callback-based handling can lead to code complexity for complex applications.

2. WebSockets: Real-Time Powerhouse

  • Real-Time Communication: WebSockets establish a persistent, two-way connection between client and server, enabling real-time data exchange. This is ideal for applications requiring constant updates, live chat, or collaborative editing.
  • Performance: The persistent connection removes the overhead of establishing new connections for each data exchange, improving performance for frequent updates.

3. Fetch API: A Modern and Streamlined Approach

  • Modern Alternative: The Fetch API is a browser-built alternative to AJAX. It offers a cleaner syntax and utilizes promises for handling responses, leading to more readable and maintainable code.
  • Flexibility: Unlike AJAX's focus on XML, Fetch API supports various data formats like JSON, making it more versatile for modern web applications.

4. TypeScript: Enhanced Development with Type Safety

  • Superset of JavaScript: TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript, adding optional type annotations for variables and functions. While not directly replacing AJAX, it can be used alongside AJAX or Fetch API.
  • Benefits: TypeScript improves code quality, maintainability, and developer experience by catching potential type errors early in the development process.

Choosing the Right Tool

AJAX remains a strong choice for many projects, but newer options like Fetch API offer advantages in terms of readability and handling complexity. WebSockets are a game-changer for real-time applications. Ultimately, the best approach depends on your project's specific needs - fetching data occasionally, needing real-time updates, or working with complex data structures. Staying informed about these advancements allows you to leverage the most suitable tools for your web development workflow.


While AJAX is a tried-and-true method for asynchronous data fetching in web development, it's beneficial to explore the ever-evolving landscape of web technologies. Modern browser APIs like the Fetch API offer a cleaner syntax and promise-based approach, streamlining asynchronous communication. For real-time data scenarios, consider WebSockets for persistent two-way communication or Server-Sent Events for server-initiated data updates. If your application involves complex data structures, GraphQL can optimize performance by fetching specific data in a single request. By staying informed about these advancements, you can enhance your web development workflow with more efficient and user-friendly tools.

Is Ajax call obsolete with new features of JavaScript and TypeScript?
Hamed Mohammadi December 3, 2023
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