Python in Embedded Systems: A Surprising Fit

An Introduction to Use Cases and Challenges of Using Python in Embedded Systems
August 23, 2024 by
Python in Embedded Systems: A Surprising Fit
Hamed Mohammadi
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Embedded systems are specialized computing systems that perform dedicated functions within larger systems. They often operate under stringent constraints, making the choice of programming language critical. Python, known for its simplicity and readability, is increasingly being considered for embedded systems. However, it comes with its own set of challenges:

Memory Constraints

Embedded systems typically have limited memory resources. Python, being an interpreted language, has a relatively high memory footprint compared to languages like C or C++. This can be problematic in environments where every byte of memory counts.

Performance Requirements

Many embedded systems have strict real-time performance requirements. Python’s interpreted nature can introduce performance overhead, making it challenging to meet these real-time constraints. The need for just-in-time (JIT) compilation or other optimization techniques can add complexity.

Hardware Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility between Python and specific hardware platforms can be complex. This is especially true for custom boards where drivers and libraries may not be readily available. The lack of direct access to hardware features can also be a limitation.

Solutions and Considerations

Despite these challenges, several solutions and considerations can make Python a viable option for embedded systems.


MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of Python designed specifically for microcontrollers and embedded systems. It offers a subset of the standard Python language, optimized for resource-constrained devices. MicroPython allows developers to write clean and maintainable code while keeping the memory footprint low.


CircuitPython, a derivative of MicroPython, is tailored for microcontroller boards like the Raspberry Pi Pico. It simplifies hardware-software integration by providing libraries and drivers for various sensors and peripherals. This makes it easier to get started with embedded development using Python.

Optimized Python Interpreters

Efforts are being made to optimize the standard CPython interpreter for embedded systems. Projects like PyPy, which offers a JIT compiler, and specialized CPython builds aim to improve performance and reduce memory usage. These optimized interpreters can help meet the performance requirements of embedded applications.

C Extensions

For performance-critical tasks, developers can write C extensions to Python code. This allows for more efficient execution of time-sensitive operations while maintaining the high-level simplicity of Python for the rest of the application. This hybrid approach can balance performance and ease of development.

Careful Code Optimization

Even with optimized interpreters, writing efficient Python code is crucial. Developers should avoid unnecessary computations, use appropriate data structures, and minimize memory usage. Profiling tools can help identify bottlenecks and optimize code accordingly1.

Use Cases for Python in Embedded Systems

Python’s versatility makes it suitable for various embedded applications:

IoT Devices

Python can be used to develop firmware for IoT devices, enabling them to interact with the cloud and other devices. Its extensive libraries and frameworks simplify the development of networked applications.


Python’s readability and flexibility make it ideal for robotics applications. From simple line-following robots to complex autonomous systems, Python can handle various tasks, including sensor integration, control algorithms, and data processing.

Industrial Automation

Python can be used to control industrial machinery and processes. Its high-level syntax and extensive libraries provide a more flexible and scalable approach compared to traditional hardware-based solutions. Python can also facilitate the integration of machine learning and data analytics into industrial systems.


While Python may not be the first language that comes to mind for embedded systems, it offers a compelling solution for many applications. By carefully considering the challenges and leveraging the available tools and techniques, developers can successfully use Python to create powerful and efficient embedded systems. The ongoing advancements in Python interpreters and the growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks continue to enhance its viability in the embedded domain.


1: Top 10 Challenges in Embedded System Design and Their Solutions

2: Python vs. C/C++ in embedded systems |

3: Feasibility Study for a Python-Based Embedded Real-Time Control System

4: The Pros and Cons of Designing Embedded Systems with MicroPython

Python in Embedded Systems: A Surprising Fit
Hamed Mohammadi August 23, 2024
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