The Risky Game of Relying Solely on Platform Blogs and Social Media

Why Every Blogger Should Own Their Website and Control Their Online Presence
September 24, 2024 by
The Risky Game of Relying Solely on Platform Blogs and Social Media
Hamed Mohammadi
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As a blogger, building an audience on popular platforms like Medium,, or even through social media accounts like Instagram, Twitter (X), or Facebook can be thrilling. These spaces provide a quick and easy way to share your voice, but relying solely on these platforms comes with significant risks. These platforms are convenient, but they’re also prone to changes beyond your control that could compromise your content, visibility, or even your audience.

A Cautionary Tale: When Platforms Pull the Plug

Imagine spending years building a thriving blog on a popular platform, or growing an engaged following on Instagram or YouTube. You’ve put in countless hours crafting your content, interacting with your audience, and establishing your online presence. Then one day, without warning, you wake up to find that your account has been suspended or terminated. All your work—your posts, your followers, your income—gone in an instant.

This is exactly what happened to Sarah, a lifestyle blogger who had amassed thousands of followers on Instagram. One morning, she logged in to find her account had been disabled. No explanation, no warning. She later found out it was flagged by AI bots for violating community guidelines, though she couldn’t pinpoint what rule she had broken. Appeals were filed, but the damage was done. Her audience, built over years, was inaccessible, and the revenue streams she had relied on came to a grinding halt.

Similarly, James, a YouTuber who shared tech reviews, lost his channel overnight when a copyright claim—filed in error—triggered the platform’s automated systems. Despite his efforts to resolve the issue, his channel was suspended, wiping out his content library and cutting him off from his subscribers. It took months of back-and-forth with the platform to restore his account, but by then, his momentum had stalled, and many of his loyal followers had moved on.

These stories aren’t unique. Creators across platforms like Facebook, Twitter (X), TikTok, and Medium have faced sudden account terminations or bans due to algorithmic moderation, policy changes, or misunderstood content. These experiences serve as a stark reminder of how vulnerable you are when you rely solely on third-party platforms for your digital presence.

The Constant Threat of Rule Changes and Algorithm Adjustments

One of the most pressing concerns about depending on platforms is their constantly shifting policies. These changes often happen without warning, and what works today might not work tomorrow. A sudden policy update could:

  • Make your content ineligible for distribution or monetization.

  • Limit your visibility by de-prioritizing your posts in algorithm-driven feeds.

  • Even result in account suspension or termination for reasons that could be outside your control.

Social media accounts are equally vulnerable. Your Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok could be shadow-banned, flagged, or de-monetized without any clear explanation. In some cases, creators have lost years of content, followers, and monetization potential overnight due to sudden algorithm tweaks or policy shifts.

Bots, AI, and Content Moderation

In recent years, the rise of AI and bots managing content moderation on these platforms has introduced another layer of risk. While AI can streamline content review processes, it is far from perfect. Blogs and social media posts may be mistakenly flagged as inappropriate or violating terms of service, leading to removal or account restrictions. Even with appeals, resolving these issues can take time, and meanwhile, your audience might start to disengage.

When bots and AI govern your blog or social media presence, you are at the mercy of these systems, and they might not always work in your favor.

Taking Ownership of Your Content with a Self-Hosted Website

The most effective way to safeguard your content, audience, and monetization efforts is by having your own website. Owning a self-hosted website puts the power back into your hands, allowing you to avoid the unpredictability of external platforms.

With a self-hosted website, you are no longer bound by platform-specific rules or subject to algorithmic changes that can diminish your visibility. You’re in complete control of how and where your content is displayed, as well as the overall user experience on your site.

Why You Need Both a Website and Social Media

Social media platforms and blogging sites can be fantastic for growing an audience and expanding your reach, however, they should be tools that complement your website, not the other way around. Here’s why you need both:

  • Centralized Content Hub: Your website serves as a central repository for all your content. Even if a social media post gets lost in the noise of constantly updating feeds, your website remains a constant, reliable place where people can find your work.

  • Cross-Promotion: Use your social media presence to drive traffic to your website. Promote your latest blog post, digital product, or service through Instagram stories, Twitter (X) threads, or Facebook groups.

  • Audience Ownership: Building a website means you own your audience. You can encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list, giving you direct access to them regardless of what happens to your social accounts.

  • Monetization Flexibility: Platforms like YouTube or Instagram might restrict the ways you can monetize, but with your own site, you have endless possibilities. Whether through affiliate marketing, selling digital products, offering courses, or creating subscription-based content, your website allows for more freedom.

Key Benefits of Owning Your Own Website

  • Independence and Control: You are not subject to external platform policies, giving you full control over your content, design, and monetization methods.

  • Branding and Professionalism: A custom website allows you to build a strong, consistent brand. You can craft your own aesthetic and voice, positioning yourself as an authority in your niche.

  • SEO Benefits: Search engines prioritize original, well-structured websites. By optimizing your own site, you can increase your organic traffic without relying on social media algorithms.

  • Data Ownership: With your own website, you own all the data related to your traffic, audience behavior, and analytics. This information is invaluable for growing your blog and improving engagement.

  • Monetization Freedom: You’re free to choose how you monetize. You can use display ads, affiliate marketing, sell courses, digital products, or even offer membership subscriptions, all without platform restrictions.

Transitioning to a Self-Hosted Website

Moving from a platform blog or social media-based presence to a self-hosted website may seem daunting, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial setup challenges. Here's how you can make the transition smoother:

  • Choose a Domain Name: Select a domain that aligns with your blog’s identity and is easy for your audience to remember.

  • Find Reliable Hosting: Choose a hosting service that is reliable, fast, and fits your budget.

  • Use User-Friendly Website Builders: Platforms like, Webflow, or Squarespace make it easy to design and launch a professional website without coding knowledge.

  • Migrate Your Content: Most platforms offer ways to export your existing content. You can easily import it into your new site with plugins or simple migration tools.

  • Leverage Social Media: During this transition, keep your audience updated on your progress via social media. Encourage them to visit your new site and subscribe to your mailing list.

Final Thoughts: Protect Your Blogging Future

Relying solely on platform blogs or social media accounts is a risky game. To secure your hard work and ensure the longevity of your blogging career, take control of your content by building and owning your website. By doing so, you can protect your future, ensure your hard work pays off, and create a sustainable digital presence on your own terms.

The Risky Game of Relying Solely on Platform Blogs and Social Media
Hamed Mohammadi September 24, 2024
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