Send Your Message to the World From Your Personal Website

The importance of having personal websites for online presence and building personal branding
December 11, 2023 by
Send Your Message to the World From Your Personal Website
Hamed Mohammadi
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Send Your Message to the World From Your Personal Website

Do you have something to say to the world? Do you want to share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, or experiences with others? Do you want to have your own voice and identity online, without being controlled by big tech companies?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to consider creating your own personal website. A personal website is a website that you own and manage, where you can publish whatever content you want, whenever you want, and however you want. It is a way of expressing yourself and communicating with your audience, without being limited by the rules, algorithms, or agendas of social media platforms.

Why You Should Have a Personal Website

There are many benefits of having a personal website, such as:

  • You have full control over your content. You can decide what to post, how to post it, and who can see it. You can also edit, update, or delete your content at any time, without worrying about losing it or having it removed by someone else.
  • You have full ownership over your data. You can choose where to host your website, how to secure it, and how to backup it. You can also protect your privacy and avoid sharing your personal information with third parties that might use it for their own purposes or sell it to others.
  • You have full freedom over your design. You can customize your website to reflect your personality, style, and brand. You can also make it more accessible, responsive, and user-friendly for your visitors.
  • You have full potential over your growth. You can reach a wider and more diverse audience, without being restricted by the algorithms or filters of social media platforms. You can also build your reputation, credibility, and authority in your niche, and establish yourself as an expert or a leader in your field.

How to Create a Personal Website

Creating a personal website is not as hard as most people think it is. There are many free and open source tools that you can use to build your website, even if you have no coding skills or experience. Some of the most popular and easy-to-use tools are:

  • WordPress. WordPress is a software that allows you to create and manage your website using a simple and intuitive interface. You can choose from thousands of themes and plugins to customize your website, and add features such as blogs, galleries, forums, e-commerce, and more. WordPress is also very SEO-friendly, which means that your website will rank higher on search engines and attract more traffic.
  • Jekyll. Jekyll is a software that allows you to create and manage your website using plain text files and a simple markup language. You can write your content in Markdown, a lightweight and easy-to-read syntax, and Jekyll will convert it into static HTML pages that you can host anywhere. Jekyll is also very fast, secure, and scalable, which means that your website will load faster, be more resistant to attacks, and handle more traffic.
  • Hugo. Hugo is a software that allows you to create and manage your website using plain text files and a simple templating language. You can write your content in Markdown, HTML, or any other format, and Hugo will generate static HTML pages that you can host anywhere. Hugo is also very flexible, powerful, and extensible, which means that you can create any kind of website, from simple blogs to complex portfolios.


Having a personal website is a great way to send your message to the world, without being dependent on social media platforms that are run by big tech companies. You can have more control, ownership, freedom, and potential over your online presence, and express yourself and communicate with your audience in a more authentic and meaningful way. Creating a personal website is not as hard as most people think it is, and there are many free and open source tools that you can use to build your website, even if you are a beginner. So, what are you waiting for? Start your personal website today and share your voice with the world!

Send Your Message to the World From Your Personal Website
Hamed Mohammadi December 11, 2023
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