Best numeric libraries in C++

August 24, 2023 by
Best numeric libraries in C++
Hamed Mohammadi
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There are many great numeric libraries available in C++, but here are a few of the best:

  • Eigen: Eigen is a high-performance linear algebra library that provides a wide range of features for matrix and vector operations. It is very well-optimized and can be used for a variety of tasks, including machine learning, computer vision, and scientific computing.
  • Boost.Numerics: Boost.Numerics is a collection of numeric libraries that provides a wide range of features for mathematical operations, random number generation, and special functions. It is very well-documented and easy to use.
  • GSL: GSL (GNU Scientific Library) is a collection of numerical routines for C and C++. It provides a wide range of features for mathematical operations, random number generation, and special functions. It is very well-tested and reliable.
  • OpenBLAS: OpenBLAS is a free and open-source implementation of the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library. It is very fast and efficient, making it a good choice for high-performance computing.
  • MKL: Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library) is a commercial library that provides a wide range of high-performance numerical routines for C and C++. It is very fast and efficient, making it a good choice for high-performance computing.

The best library for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. If you need a high-performance library for scientific computing, then Eigen or OpenBLAS would be a good choice. If you need a well-documented and easy-to-use library, then Boost.Numerics would be a good choice. And if you need a reliable and tested library, then GSL would be a good choice.

Best numeric libraries in C++
Hamed Mohammadi August 24, 2023
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