Troubleshooting Your Production Odoo on Ubuntu

How for find errors in an Odoo production instance running on Ubuntu behind nginx proxy and using PostgreSQL
July 15, 2024 by
Troubleshooting Your Production Odoo on Ubuntu
Hamed Mohammadi
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Odoo, the open-source ERP giant, can be a powerful tool for businesses. In production environment Odoo is usually run using a system service behind Nginx proxy server. Odoo also uses PostgreSQL database server as its data store. To troubleshoot common errors for an Odoo production instance you should be familiar with these three servuces. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to troubleshoot common Odoo issues and get your system back on track.

Logs and System Information

Ubuntu and other Linux servers have a sophisticated logging system that record almost anything. These log files are source of wealth of information that are valuable when problems occur and you need to troubleshoot.

  • Odoo logs: Locate your Odoo log files (usually in /var/log/odoo/). These reveal errors and warnings during Odoo operation. When run behind Nginx proxy, the location of Odoo log files in specified in Odoo site configuration for Nginx.

  • Nginx logs: Check system logs like /var/log/nginx/error.log and /var/log/access.log for broader system issues.

  • PostgreSQL logs: PostgreSQL logs is located at /var/log/postgresql/ and checking them is beneficial when connection to database errors occur.

  • Ubuntu version: Use lsb_release -a to identify your Ubuntu version.

Common Odoo Troubles and Solutions

Odoo won't start: Check the Odoo logs for error messages. Common culprits include permission issues, missing dependencies, or database connection problems.

Slow performance: Odoo performance can be impacted by hardware limitations, database bloat, or inefficient custom modules. Try optimizing queries, disabling unnecessary modules, and scaling your server resources.

Module errors: If a specific module is causing issues, check the module logs for clues. Disabling the module temporarily may isolate the problem. Remember to update or replace the module if necessary.

Database connection errors: Ensure your PostgreSQL database server is running and accessible. Verify Odoo configuration details like database name, user, and password.

Nginx errors: Ensure your nginx server is running and accessible.

Nginx and Odoo Unit Service Troubleshooting Tips

Odoo usually runs behind a Nginx reverse proxy on Ubuntu, and troubleshooting can get a little trickier. You should check both services are running and active. Using systemctl command you can check the status of these services. Here's how to pinpoint issues in this specific setup:

1. Verify Nginx Configuration:

  • Check for syntax errors: Use nginx -t to validate your Nginx configuration file. Syntax errors can prevent Nginx from functioning correctly and forwarding requests to Odoo.

  • Review upstream block: Ensure the upstream block in your Nginx config points to the correct Odoo server address and port (typically

  • Inspect proxy settings: Verify that proxy directives like proxy_pass and proxy_set_header are configured correctly to route requests to Odoo and set necessary headers (e.g., X-Forwarded-For).

2. Isolate the Problem:

  • Temporarily bypass Nginx: Try accessing Odoo directly on its port (usually 8069) to see if the issue lies with Odoo itself or the Nginx configuration.

  • Check Nginx logs: Look for errors or warnings in /var/log/nginx/error.log. These might indicate issues with Nginx processing requests or connecting to the Odoo server.

3. Odoo Unit Service Issues:

  • Verify Odoo service status: Use sudo systemctl status odoo to check if the Odoo unit service is running and healthy.

  • Restart Odoo: If the service is inactive, try restarting it with sudo systemctl restart odoo.

4. Permissions and Ownership:

  • Ensure proper permissions: Odoo and Nginx processes need appropriate permissions to access files and directories. Verify ownership and group memberships using ls -l on relevant files and folders.

Bonus Tip: Utilize tools like curl to test how Nginx handles requests. Try a command like curl and compare the response with a direct request to Odoo's port. This can help identify issues with Nginx forwarding requests.

Using journalctl for Odoo Unit Service Logs

The journalctl command is a powerful tool in Ubuntu for viewing and analyzing system logs. When troubleshooting your Odoo unit service, it can provide valuable insights into its startup, operation, and potential errors. Here's how to leverage journalctl for Odoo:

1. Displaying Odoo Unit Service Logs:

The basic syntax for viewing logs specific to the Odoo unit service is:

sudo journalctl -u odoo

This command uses the -u flag to filter logs for the unit named "odoo".

2. Navigating the Logs:

The output might be extensive. Here are some helpful options for navigating the log entries:

  • Real-time view: Use the -f flag to follow the logs in real-time, displaying new entries as they appear:

sudo journalctl -u odoo -f

Press Ctrl+C to exit the follow mode.

  • Filtering by level: Use the -p flag to filter logs by severity level. For example, to see only error messages:

sudo journalctl -u odoo -p err
  • Searching within logs: Pipe the output of journalctl to grep to search for specific keywords within the logs:

sudo journalctl -u odoo | grep "connection error"

This will display only entries containing the phrase "connection error".

3. Decoding the Logs:

Odoo logs often contain timestamps, severity levels (e.g., INFO, WARNING, ERROR), and detailed messages related to Odoo's operation. Look for error messages or warnings that might indicate issues with the service starting, database connection, or module loading.

You can find valuable information digging logs using this tool. By effectively using journalctl with these options, you can gain valuable insights into the behavior of your Odoo unit service and pinpoint potential problems within the Odoo instance itself.

Troubleshooting Odoo and PostgreSQL

Odoo uses PostgreSQL as its database server, and it should be fine-tuned for performance for Odoo requirements based on your business needs. A healthy connection between Odoo and your PostgreSQL database is crucial for smooth operation. One source of Odoo errors is connection to PostgreSQL database. Here's how to diagnose and fix common connection problems:

1. Verify PostgreSQL Status:

  • Check service status: Use sudo systemctl status postgresql to ensure the PostgreSQL service is running. If not, attempt a restart with sudo systemctl restart postgresql.

  • Connect to PostgreSQL directly: Try connecting to PostgreSQL using its command-line tool, psql. This helps isolate if the issue lies with PostgreSQL itself or the Odoo configuration. Use the credentials defined for your Odoo database user.

2. Scrutinize Odoo Configuration:

  • Database details: Double-check your Odoo configuration file (e.g., odoo.conf) for the following:

    • db_name: The name of your Odoo database in PostgreSQL.

    • db_user: The username used by Odoo to connect to the database.

    • db_password: The password for the aforementioned username.

    • db_host: The hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL server (usually localhost if on the same machine).

    • db_port: The port on which PostgreSQL listens (typically 5432).

  • Firewall restrictions: If a firewall is running on your server, ensure it allows connections on the PostgreSQL port (usually 5432) from the machine where Odoo is running.

3. Digging Deeper:

  • PostgreSQL logs: Examine PostgreSQL logs (often in /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-*.log) for errors or warnings related to connection attempts from Odoo.

  • pg_hba.conf: This file controls PostgreSQL user access. Ensure an entry exists for the Odoo user with the appropriate authentication method (e.g., md5).

4. Network Issues:

  • Connectivity test: If Odoo and PostgreSQL reside on separate machines, use ping to verify basic network connectivity between them.

  • Network restrictions: Check for any network firewalls or security measures that might be preventing communication between Odoo and PostgreSQL.

Having a Odoo production instance run smoothly, considering the fact that many services are involved and also many technologies that is used in developing Odoo itself is a tough job. By following these steps and meticulously examining configuration details, you should be able to identify and rectify connection problems between Odoo and PostgreSQL. If you have any specific error in your Odoo instance write them in the comments.

in Odoo
# odoo
Troubleshooting Your Production Odoo on Ubuntu
Hamed Mohammadi July 15, 2024
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