Is Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) dead?

Is Eclipse RCP Dead? The Future of Rich Client Applications
August 26, 2023 by
Is Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) dead?
Hamed Mohammadi
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Eclipse RCP was once a dominant force in desktop application development. But with the rise of web technologies, many wonder: is RCP a relic of the past?

The landscape has undeniably shifted. Web-based frameworks offer advantages like broader accessibility and easier maintenance. This makes them ideal for many applications.

Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) is considered to be dead. The Eclipse Foundation announced in 2019 that it would be discontinuing development of RCP. The decision was made due to a number of factors, including declining usage and the increasing popularity of web-based applications.

RCP was a framework for developing rich client applications, which are desktop applications that feature a graphical user interface (GUI). RCP applications were typically developed using the Eclipse IDE, and they could be used to create a variety of different types of applications, such as IDEs, viewers, and editors.

While RCP was once a popular framework, its usage had declined in recent years. This was due in part to the increasing popularity of web-based applications, which can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Web-based applications are also often more scalable and easier to maintain than rich client applications.

In addition to declining usage, the Eclipse Foundation also cited a number of other factors in its decision to discontinue development of RCP. These factors included:

  • The increasing complexity of RCP, which made it difficult for developers to learn and use.
  • The lack of a clear roadmap for the future of RCP.
  • The availability of alternative frameworks, such as Qt and Swing, that offer similar functionality.

As a result of the Eclipse Foundation's decision, RCP is no longer an actively supported framework. However, there are still a number of RCP applications that are still in use. These applications will continue to work as long as they are supported by their respective developers.

RCP as a web application is not completely dead, but it is not as popular as it once was. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Web-based frameworks, such as AngularJS and React, have become more popular and offer a wider range of features.
  • RCP applications can be difficult to develop and maintain, especially as web standards continue to evolve.
  • There are a limited number of RCP developers available.

However, there are still some advantages to using RCP as a web application. For example, RCP applications can be more secure and reliable than web applications that are built on top of other frameworks. Additionally, RCP applications can be more easily integrated with other Eclipse-based applications.

Overall, the use of RCP as a web application is declining, but it is still a viable option for some developers.

Considering the Future

For developers working with existing RCP applications, the path forward might involve ongoing maintenance or a potential migration to frameworks like Qt or Swing. The decision depends on factors like application complexity and the desired feature set.

Is Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) dead?
Hamed Mohammadi August 26, 2023
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