Use Linux Command Line As a Professional

Power tricks for the Linux command line for system administrators to achieve more while typing less
August 1, 2024 by
Use Linux Command Line As a Professional
Hamed Mohammadi
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The Linux command line is a powerful tool that is valued by system administrators. Beyond its basic functionalities, lies a universe of shortcuts, combinations, and scripts that can dramatically boost productivity. This post is a summary to unlocking some of potential of the terminal. We'll explore time-saving tricks and advanced techniques designed to help you accomplish more with fewer keystrokes, transforming you into a command-line virtuoso.

Command Line Editing

The Linux command line isn't just about typing commands; it's about mastering the art of interaction. Bash, your trusty shell, employs the Readline library to provide a robust set of editing features. You've already experienced a taste of this with the arrow keys, but there's a whole world of shortcuts and manipulations waiting to be explored.

Think of these features as power-ups for your command line prowess. While it's not essential to learn every single one, incorporating a few into your workflow can dramatically increase your efficiency. So, pick and choose the ones that resonate with you and start unlocking the full potential of your terminal.

Navigating with Precision: Cursor Movement Beyond Arrows

While the arrow keys are familiar for cursor movement, the Linux terminal offers a suite of keyboard shortcuts for swift navigation. These shortcuts can significantly accelerate your command-line interactions.

  • Ctrl-A: Instantly transports the cursor to the beginning of the line.

  • Ctrl-E: Rapidly moves the cursor to the end of the line.

  • Ctrl-F: Advances the cursor by one character (equivalent to the right arrow).

  • Ctrl-B: Retreats the cursor by one character (equivalent to the left arrow).

  • Alt-F: Jumps forward one word at a time.

  • Alt-B: Jumps backward one word at a time.

  • Ctrl-L or clear: Clears the screen and positions the cursor at the top left.

Mastering these shortcuts, can help you effortlessly glide through your commands, saving precious time and keystrokes.

Editing Text on the Fly

Mistakes happen, even to the most seasoned command-line users. Luckily, the Linux terminal provides a set of handy shortcuts to rectify errors without starting over.

  • Ctrl-D: This command deletes the character positioned at the cursor. Be cautious, as pressing it on an empty command line will exit the shell.

  • Ctrl-T: Need to swap two adjacent characters? Use Ctrl-T to transpose the character at the cursor with the one preceding it.

  • Alt-T: Want to switch entire words? Alt-T transposes the word at the cursor with the previous word.

  • Alt-L: Convert the characters from the cursor to the end of the word to lowercase.

  • Alt-U: Transform characters from the cursor to the end of the word to uppercase.

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting: Kill and Yank

While the terms might seem unfamiliar, the concept is straightforward. In the world of the command line, cutting and pasting are referred to as killing and yanking. Text that is cut (killed) is temporarily stored in a buffer called the kill ring.

Here's a breakdown of the essential commands:

  • Ctrl-K: Eliminates text from the cursor's position to the end of the line.

  • Ctrl-U: Removes text from the cursor's position to the beginning of the line.

  • Alt-D: Deletes text from the cursor's position to the end of the current word.

  • Alt-Backspace: Removes text from the cursor's position to the beginning of the current word. If the cursor is at the word's start, the preceding word is deleted.

  • Ctrl-Y: Retrieves the most recently killed text from the kill ring and inserts it at the cursor's position.

Autocomplete: Your Command-Line Assistant

Tab completion is a powerful feature that can significantly enhance your command-line efficiency. By pressing the Tab key while typing a command, the shell attempts to complete the word you're entering.

  • Single Tab: If there's a unique match, the shell completes the word. If multiple options exist, pressing Tab again displays a list of possibilities.

  • Alt-? or Double Tab: Explicitly displays a list of potential completions without attempting to autofill.

  • Alt-*: Inserts all possible completions, useful when you need multiple options.

Leverage autocomplete to save time and reduce typing errors as you navigate the command-line landscape.

Using History

Bash keeps a record of your past commands in a file named .bash_history located in your home directory. This history can be a powerful tool for efficiency.

Searching History

To view your command history, use:

$ history | less

By default, Bash stores the last 1000 commands (this number can vary). To find specific commands, use:

$ history | grep "search term"

You can also search your history interactively using Ctrl-R. Start typing, and Bash will search backward through your history. Press Ctrl-R again to find the next match. To execute a found command, press Enter. To abort the search, press Ctrl-G or Ctrl-C.

Here is list of some of the keystrokes used to manipulate the history list.

  • Ctrl-P: Move to the previous history entry. This is the same action as the up arrow.

  • Ctrl-N: Move to the next history entry. This is the same action as the down arrow.

  • Alt-<: Move to the beginning (top) of the history list.

  • Alt->: Move to the end (bottom) of the history list, i.e., the current command line.

  • Ctrl-R: Reverse incremental search. This searches incrementally from the current command line up the history list.

  • Alt-P: Reverse search, nonincremental. With this key, type in the search string and press enter before the search is performed.

  • Alt-N: Forward search, nonincremental.

  • Ctrl-O: Execute the current item in the history list and advance to the next one. This is handy if you are trying to re-execute a sequence of commands in the history list.

History Expansion

History expansion allows you to recall commands based on their content. For example, !ls might recall the last command that started with ls. However, this feature can be complex and error-prone. It's generally safer to use searching methods or command editing. There are a number of other expansion features, as described here:

  • !! : Repeat the last command. It is probably easier to press the up arrow and enter.

  • !number : Repeat history list item number.

  • !string : Repeat last history list item starting with string.

  • !?string : Repeat last history list item containing string.

While there are many more advanced history features, we'll focus on these core concepts to avoid overwhelming you. For a deeper dive, consult the Bash manual's "HISTORY EXPANSION" section.

Use Linux Command Line As a Professional
Hamed Mohammadi August 1, 2024
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