Some Special Permissions in Linux

Beyond the Basics: Unmasking the Hidden Permissions in Linux and Unix
August 7, 2024 by
Some Special Permissions in Linux
Hamed Mohammadi
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You've probably seen file permissions expressed as a three-digit octal number (like 755). These numbers represent the read, write, and execute permissions for the file's owner, group, and others. However, there's more to permissions than meets the eye. Let's delve into the often overlooked fourth digit and the special permissions it unlocks.

The Fourth Digit: Uncovering Hidden Powers

While the familiar three-digit octal notation covers the standard read, write, and execute permissions, there's a fourth digit that holds additional flags. These flags, often referred to as special permissions, grant specific capabilities to files and directories.

The Setuid Bit (4000)

When applied to an executable file, the setuid bit (4000 in octal) temporarily changes the effective user ID of the program to that of the file's owner. This means that when a regular user runs a setuid program, the program executes with the privileges of the owner, typically the superuser.

While this ability is powerful, it's also a significant security risk. Misconfigured setuid programs can grant unauthorized access to system resources. As a result, their use should be strictly limited to essential system utilities.

The Setgid Bit (2000)

Similar to the setuid bit, the setgid bit (2000 in octal) affects group ownership. When applied to a file, it changes the effective group ID of the process to the file's group. For directories, newly created files inherit the group ownership of the directory rather than the creating user's group.

This is particularly useful in shared directories where multiple users need to collaborate on files. By setting the setgid bit on the directory, all files created within it will belong to the same group, ensuring appropriate permissions for all members.

The Sticky Bit (1000)

The sticky bit (1000 in octal) is a relic from older Unix systems where it prevented files from being swapped to disk. While it has no effect on files in modern systems, it does impact directory behavior.

When applied to a directory, the sticky bit restricts file deletion and renaming to the file owner, directory owner, or superuser. This is often used in shared directories like /tmp to prevent users from accidentally deleting or overwriting each other's files.

Real-World Examples of Special Permissions

Setuid Bit

  • Password managers: These applications often need to interact with the system keychain or other sensitive areas. By using the setuid bit, they can perform these operations with the privileges of the user, ensuring secure access to stored credentials.

  • sudo: While not a setuid program itself, sudo leverages the concept of temporary privilege elevation to allow ordinary users to execute commands with root privileges.

Setgid Bit

  • Group-writable directories: Shared project directories often benefit from the setgid bit. This ensures that files created within the directory belong to the same group as the directory, allowing all group members to modify them.

  • Temporary file directories: By setting the setgid bit on directories like /tmp, newly created files will inherit the group ownership of the directory. This can be useful in environments where multiple users share the same system.

Sticky Bit

  • Shared temporary directories: As mentioned earlier, the sticky bit on /tmp prevents users from deleting or renaming each other's files, maintaining order in a heavily used directory.

  • World-writable directories: In rare cases, a directory might need to be world-writable for specific purposes. Applying the sticky bit can help protect against malicious file modifications.

Note: While these examples illustrate potential use cases, it's crucial to carefully consider the security implications before enabling special permissions. Incorrectly configured permissions can pose significant risks.


Understanding the fourth digit in file permissions and the special permissions it represents is crucial for system administrators and advanced users. While these features offer powerful capabilities, they also introduce security risks. It's essential to use them judiciously and with caution.

Some Special Permissions in Linux
Hamed Mohammadi August 7, 2024
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