Don't Panic! You (Probably) Aren't Hacked

Understanding Spoofed Emails and Protecting Your Domain
July 11, 2024 by
Don't Panic! You (Probably) Aren't Hacked
Hamed Mohammadi
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Have you ever checked your inbox to find a bloodcurdling email, supposedly from your own address, with a subject line screaming " hacked!" or "System Breach!"? The email itself might be poorly worded and riddled with typos, but the message is clear: a ruthless hacker has infiltrated your defenses, stolen your precious data (and maybe even your contacts!), and now demands a hefty ransom to keep it all under wraps. The urgency is palpable, the fear paralyzing. If you don't cough up the cryptocurrency by tomorrow, the email threatens, all your secrets will be leaked to the world, or worse, your devices will be locked down forever. This is the unsettling world of email spoofing, a deceptive tactic that thrives on exploiting our trust and manipulating our emotions to steal money or sensitive information.

The Story: A (Fake) Hacker in Your Inbox

My heart lurched as I scrolled through my inbox. An email with my own address glaring back from the "From" field sent a jolt of fear through me. The subject line, splashed in bold red font, screamed "URGENT: System Compromised!" Dread pooled in my stomach as I clicked it open. The message was a garbled mess, riddled with grammatical errors and typos. Yet, the gist was horrifyingly clear: a so-called hacker claimed to have breached my server, holding all my data and contacts hostage. A ransom demand followed, urging me to pay a hefty sum in cryptocurrency within 24 hours to prevent the information from being leaked or my devices from being permanently locked. Panic started to rise, but a sliver of reason held on. I knew I had recently invested in robust security measures for my server. This suspicion prompted me to take a closer look at the email's details. Buried within the technical header information, a crucial detail emerged: the email wasn't actually sent from my secure server, but rather from a seemingly ordinary desktop computer. This single piece of evidence became the first crack in the facade, the glimmer of hope that this might not be the catastrophic breach it appeared to be.

The Problem: Anyone Can (Apparently) Be You

So, how can someone send an email pretending to be you? The answer lies in a technical detail: email addresses don't inherently verify the sender's identity. Anyone with some technical know-how can configure their email client to display a fake sender address.

Imagine email addresses as return addresses on envelopes. While they tell you where the message supposedly comes from, there's no built-in system to verify if it's true. This trust system, while convenient, creates a loophole that scammers exploit.

The culprit behind these impersonations is a technical detail called the "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol" (SMTP). Think of it as the postal service that routes emails. SMTP functions primarily to deliver messages, not to verify who sends them. Anyone with a basic understanding of how email works can manipulate the "From" address in their email program to display any email address they desire. It's like writing any name on a return envelope and hoping it gets delivered! This vulnerability allows malicious actors to impersonate anyone, including you, your boss, or even a trusted institution. By masking their true identity, they can launch phishing attacks designed to steal your money or personal information.

How to Stay Safe: Protecting Your Domain

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent spoofing:

  • Enable SPF (Sender Policy Framework): This email authentication protocol allows you to specify which servers are authorized to send emails from your domain. This helps identify and block emails with forged sender addresses.
  • Use DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): This adds a digital signature to your emails, verifying their authenticity and making it harder to spoof them.
  • Be Wary of Suspicious Emails: Even with security measures, vigilance is key. Don't respond to emails demanding money or threatening consequences.
  • Check the Sender Address Carefully: Look beyond the displayed name and verify the actual email address.
  • Never Click on Links or Download Attachments: Phishing emails often contain malicious links or attachments that can compromise your system.

Remember: If you receive a suspicious email, even if it appears from your own address, don't panic. By implementing these security measures and staying alert, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to a spoofing scam.

Enabling SPF (Sender Policy Framework) involves adding a special type of record to your Domain Name System (DNS) records. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process:

  1. Access Your DNS Management: The first step is to access your Domain Name System (DNS) management console. This can be done through your domain registrar's control panel or the management interface provided by your web hosting service.

  2. Locate DNS Records: Once logged in, navigate to the section where you can manage your domain's DNS records. This section might be labeled "DNS Management," "Domain Records," or something similar.

  3. Add a New TXT Record: You'll need to create a new record of the type "TXT." The TXT record type is used for storing text information associated with your domain.

  4. Configure the TXT Record: Here's where the magic happens. There are two parts to configuring the TXT record for SPF:

    • Name: Leave the record name field blank. By default, SPF records apply to the entire domain.

    • Value: This is where you define the SPF policy for your domain. The value can be a simple text string or reference other DNS records using mechanisms like "include." Here's a basic example of an SPF record allowing emails only from your domain's mail server (replace "" with your actual mail server):

    v=spf1 ~all
    • Breakdown of the example record:
      • v=spf1: This identifies the version of SPF being used (version 1).
      • This authorizes emails sent from the IP address associated with the domain name "".
      • ~all: This is a qualifier (soft fail) indicating that emails failing the SPF check (not sent from the authorized server) should be marked as suspicious but not necessarily rejected.
  5. Save and Propagate: Once you've configured the TXT record value, save the changes. It's important to note that changes to DNS records can take some time (usually up to 48 hours) to propagate throughout the internet.

Additional Considerations:

  • More Complex Policies: The example above is a basic setup. You can create more complex SPF policies to include multiple authorized mail servers, redirect to other SPF records using "include," or define different actions for failing emails.
  • SPF Testing Tools: There are online tools available to help you test and validate your SPF record syntax before implementing it.
  • Professional Help: If you're not comfortable managing DNS records yourself, consider seeking assistance from your domain registrar or web hosting provider.

By enabling SPF, you add a layer of security to your emails, making it more difficult for scammers to spoof your sender address and launch phishing attacks.

Setting up DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) involves two main parts: generating a cryptographic key pair and publishing the public key in your DNS records. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process:

Part 1: Generate DKIM Key Pair

  1. Choose a DKIM Selector: This is a unique identifier used to differentiate different DKIM signing keys for your domain. You can choose any name you prefer, but it's common practice to use a simple prefix like "mail" or something descriptive like "selector1".

  2. Generate the Keys: There are various methods to generate the DKIM key pair. Here are two common options:

    • Use Your Email Service Provider (ESP): Many ESPs offer built-in DKIM signing functionality. Check your ESP's documentation for specific instructions on generating keys through their platform.
    • Use a Third-Party Tool: Several online tools and command-line utilities can generate DKIM keys for you. Popular options include DKIM Generator by DigiCert ( or OpenSSL (command-line tool available on most Linux distributions).

Part 2: Publish Public Key in DNS

Once you have the generated DKIM key pair (public and private key), you need to publish the public key in your domain's DNS records. Here's how:

  1. Access Your DNS Management: Similar to setting up SPF, you'll need to access your Domain Name System (DNS) management console. This can be done through your domain registrar's control panel or the management interface provided by your web hosting service.

  2. Locate DNS Records: Navigate to the section where you can manage your domain's DNS records. Look for a section labeled "DNS Management," "Domain Records," or something similar.

  3. Add a New TXT Record: Create a new record of the type "TXT." This TXT record will store the public part of your DKIM key.

  4. Configure the TXT Record: Here's what you need to define for the TXT record:

    • Name: Construct the name for the TXT record following this format: <selector> Replace <selector> with the chosen DKIM selector from step 1 and "[invalid URL removed]" with your actual domain name.

    • Value: This is where you'll paste the public key generated in step 1. The public key will be a long string containing characters and spaces.

  5. Save and Propagate: Once you've added the TXT record details, save the changes. Remember, DNS record changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate globally.

Additional Considerations:

  • DKIM Signing Configuration: After publishing the public key, you'll need to configure your email server (or ESP) to start signing outgoing emails with the private key. This configuration process will vary depending on your specific email server software.
  • DKIM Verification: Recipient email servers will use the published public key to verify the DKIM signature on your emails. If the signature is valid, it indicates the email originated from your authorized server and hasn't been tampered with.
  • DKIM Record Monitoring: It's recommended to monitor your DKIM signing reports to identify any issues or potential configuration problems.

Setting up DKIM can add a significant layer of security to your outgoing emails. By verifying the authenticity of your emails, DKIM helps reduce the risk of spoofing and protects your reputation. Remember, consult your email service provider's documentation or seek professional help if needed for specific DKIM signing configuration on your email server.


The unsettling world of email spoofing can leave you feeling vulnerable. But fear not! By understanding the tactics scammers use and implementing a few key security measures, you can significantly bolster your defenses.

Start by enabling SPF (Sender Policy Framework) in your DNS records. This helps to identify and block emails with forged sender addresses. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) adds another layer of protection by digitally signing your outgoing emails, making them more difficult to spoof.

Remember, vigilance is crucial. Don't respond to suspicious emails, especially those demanding money or threatening consequences. Be wary of emails with strange formatting or grammatical errors, and double-check the sender's address before clicking on any links or attachments.

By following these steps and staying alert, you can take control of your inbox and prevent email spoofing attempts from becoming a security nightmare.

Don't Panic! You (Probably) Aren't Hacked
Hamed Mohammadi July 11, 2024
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