The AI Disruptors: Industries at Risk

Businesses Facing the Threat of Automation and AI-Driven Competition
September 11, 2024 by
The AI Disruptors: Industries at Risk
Hamed Mohammadi
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The dawn of the AI era brings with it a wave of unprecedented technological advancements, reshaping industries and transforming the way we live and work. While AI offers immense potential for innovation and efficiency, it also poses significant challenges for certain businesses and industries. As AI continues to evolve, automation, AI-driven competition, and shifts in consumer behavior are disrupting traditional business models and leading to the decline of certain sectors. This blog post will explore the key types of businesses that are particularly vulnerable to the disruptive forces of AI and discusses the strategies they can adopt to navigate these challenges and remain competitive in the AI-driven future.

1. Manual Labor-Intensive Jobs

Manufacturing and Assembly Line Jobs: The repetitive nature of traditional manufacturing tasks makes them prime targets for automation. AI-powered robots and machines can now perform these tasks with greater precision, speed, and efficiency than human workers. As industries increasingly adopt robotics and AI to enhance productivity and reduce costs, businesses that rely heavily on low-cost manual labor may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage.

Warehouse and Logistics Workers: The rise of AI-driven warehouse automation is another significant threat to jobs in the logistics industry. For example, Amazon has deployed thousands of robotic systems in its warehouses to automate tasks such as picking, packing, and sorting. As these technologies become more widespread, the demand for human workers in these roles is likely to decline.

2. Routine Administrative Roles

Data Entry and Clerical Work: Gone are the days of tedious manual data entry and document processing. AI can now handle these tasks with exceptional speed and accuracy, eliminating human error and significantly improving efficiency. Businesses that continue to rely on outdated, manual methods for data processing and clerical work may find themselves struggling to keep pace with competitors who have embraced automation. AI-powered solutions can handle everything from form processing and data extraction to invoice generation and report creation, freeing up human employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

Call Centers: The traditional model of call centers with armies of human agents is undergoing a significant shift. AI-powered customer service tools, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, are now capable of handling a significant portion of customer inquiries. These intelligent systems can answer frequently asked questions, troubleshoot basic problems, and even schedule appointments, all without the need for human intervention. While AI isn't likely to replace the need for human customer service representatives entirely, it can significantly reduce the workload and allow agents to focus on more complex issues that require empathy, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills. This shift towards AI-powered customer service creates cost savings for businesses and potentially improves response times for customers.

3. Traditional Retail Stores

The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by the rapid growth of e-commerce and the increasing sophistication of AI-powered online shopping platforms. Here's a closer look at the challenges facing traditional retail stores:

Brick-and-Mortar Retail: Online retailers are leveraging AI to offer personalized shopping experiences, tailored product recommendations, and predictive inventory management. These advantages, combined with the convenience of online shopping, are drawing consumers away from traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Physical retailers without a strong online presence and a compelling reason for customers to visit their stores may face a significant downturn.

Cashiers and Sales Clerks: The rise of automated checkout systems, self-service kiosks, and AI-powered customer service solutions is reducing the need for in-store staff, particularly in sectors like groceries and department stores. These technologies streamline the shopping experience, allowing customers to quickly and efficiently purchase their items without the need for human interaction. As a result, the demand for traditional cashier and sales clerk roles is likely to decline. However, it's important to note that AI cannot entirely replace the need for human interaction, especially in areas where personalized service, expert advice, or complex customer inquiries are involved.

4. Middleman and Intermediary Services

The role of traditional middlemen and intermediary services is being challenged by the rise of AI-powered platforms. Here's a look at two key areas:

Real Estate Agents: The process of finding a new home is undergoing a digital revolution. AI-based property platforms are streamlining the search process by offering features like:

  • Intelligent Search Engines: Using sophisticated algorithms, these platforms can analyze user preferences, budget constraints, and desired amenities to recommend suitable properties.

  • Virtual Tours: Immersive 3D tours and high-definition photos allow potential buyers to virtually explore properties from the comfort of their own homes.

  • Client Matching: AI can analyze user data and property information to match potential buyers with sellers whose listings closely align with their needs.

  • Automated Contract Generation: AI can streamline the paperwork involved in real estate transactions by generating customized contracts with pre-populated data based on agreed-upon terms.

While these advancements may reduce the reliance on real estate agents for basic transactions, the human touch will still be crucial in complex negotiations, navigating local market nuances, and providing expert advice throughout the buying or selling process.

Travel Agents: Planning a trip has become significantly easier with the rise of AI-powered online booking systems and virtual travel assistants. These intelligent tools offer:

  • Personalized Recommendations: AI can analyze past travel habits, interests, and budget to suggest destinations, flights, and accommodations tailored to the individual traveler.

  • Real-time Price Comparison: AI constantly scans travel aggregators and booking platforms to find the best deals on flights, hotels, and activities, saving travelers time and money.

  • Automated Itinerary Creation: AI can generate comprehensive itineraries that take into account travel times, transportation options, and desired activities, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable travel experience.

While AI offers convenience and efficiency, it can't replicate the expertise of a skilled travel agent who can handle complex travel arrangements, offer insider knowledge of destinations, and provide personalized recommendations based on the traveler's unique preferences.

5. Traditional Financial Services

The financial services industry is undergoing a digital transformation, with AI playing a pivotal role in automating and streamlining many traditional processes. Here's a look at how AI is impacting two key areas:

Basic Banking Jobs: The traditional roles of tellers, loan officers, and customer service agents are increasingly being replaced by AI-powered apps and automated financial platforms. Online banking platforms have become ubiquitous, allowing customers to perform a wide range of transactions, such as checking balances, transferring funds, and paying bills, without ever visiting a physical branch. Additionally, the rise of robo-advisors, AI-powered investment platforms, is disrupting the traditional role of human financial advisors. These automated systems can provide personalized investment recommendations based on a client's risk tolerance, financial goals, and other factors, often at a lower cost than traditional human advisors.

Stockbrokers and Traders: The world of finance is increasingly dominated by algorithms and AI-driven tools. Algorithmic trading systems can execute trades at lightning speed, often outperforming human traders in terms of speed and efficiency. AI-powered financial analysis tools can process vast amounts of data to identify trends, predict market movements, and generate investment recommendations. These advancements have led to a decline in the demand for traditional stockbrokers and financial advisors, who may find their roles diminished as AI becomes more sophisticated. However, human advisors may still be valuable for providing personalized advice, managing complex financial situations, and building relationships with clients.

6. Legal and Professional Services

The legal and professional services industries are also feeling the impact of AI-driven automation. Here's a look at how AI is transforming two key areas:

Paralegals and Legal Researchers: AI-powered legal tech platforms are revolutionizing the way legal professionals work. These platforms can automate tasks such as:

  • Contract Analysis: AI can quickly review and analyze legal documents, identifying key terms, clauses, and potential risks.

  • Legal Research: AI-powered legal research tools can search through vast databases of legal cases, statutes, and regulations, providing relevant information much faster than traditional manual methods.

  • Document Review: AI can automate the process of reviewing large volumes of documents, identifying relevant information, and flagging potential issues.

These advancements are making many traditional paralegal tasks redundant, leading to a decline in the demand for these roles. However, human legal professionals will still be needed for tasks that require complex legal analysis, judgment, and interpersonal skills.

Basic Accounting and Tax Preparation: AI-powered accounting software and tax preparation platforms are transforming the way small businesses and individuals manage their finances. These tools can automate routine tasks such as:

  • Bookkeeping: AI can automatically record transactions, reconcile accounts, and generate financial reports.

  • Tax Preparation: AI-powered tax preparation software can gather necessary information, calculate taxes, and file returns, often with greater accuracy than manual methods.

While these tools can significantly reduce the workload for small accounting firms and bookkeepers, human accountants will still be needed for complex financial analysis, tax planning, and providing personalized advice.

7. Transportation and Delivery

The transportation and delivery sector is on the precipice of a significant transformation driven by advancements in autonomous vehicles, drone technology, and AI-powered logistics systems. Here's a closer look at the potential impact on two key areas:

Truck Drivers and Delivery Drivers: The long-haul trucking industry, local delivery services, and even courier companies are all facing potential disruption from autonomous vehicles. These self-driving vehicles, equipped with advanced sensors and AI software, hold the promise of revolutionizing transportation by offering:

  • Increased Efficiency: Autonomous trucks can operate 24/7 without breaks, significantly reducing delivery times and optimizing routes.

  • Enhanced Safety: AI-powered systems can react faster than human drivers, potentially reducing accidents and improving overall road safety.

  • Reduced Costs: Companies can eliminate the need to pay driver salaries and benefits, potentially leading to lower transportation costs.

While autonomous vehicles are still under development and face regulatory hurdles, their potential impact on the trucking industry is undeniable. Delivery drivers in the gig economy, like those working for services like DoorDash and Grubhub, may also face disruption as autonomous delivery vehicles become more commonplace.

Taxi and Rideshare Drivers: The rise of autonomous ride-hailing services presents a significant challenge to the traditional taxi and rideshare industry. These self-driving taxis and ride-sharing vehicles offer several potential advantages:

  • Reduced Cost: Without the need to pay driver salaries, autonomous ride-hailing services could offer lower fares to passengers.

  • Increased Availability: A fleet of self-driving vehicles could potentially be available 24/7, reducing wait times for passengers.

  • Improved Safety: Similar to autonomous trucks, AI-powered ride-hailing vehicles might lead to a decrease in accidents due to faster reaction times and adherence to traffic regulations.

The development of autonomous ride-hailing services is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to significantly disrupt the taxi and rideshare industry, potentially leading to a decrease in the demand for human drivers.

8. Media and Journalism

The media and journalism landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the increasing capabilities of AI. Here's a look at how AI is impacting two key areas:

Traditional Journalism: AI is being employed to automate various aspects of news production, from data-driven reporting to content generation. AI-powered systems can:

  • Generate News Articles: AI can analyze large datasets to identify trends and patterns, and then generate news articles on topics such as financial markets, sports, and weather.

  • Automate Reporting: AI can automate the process of gathering and organizing information for news stories, freeing up journalists to focus on more complex and in-depth reporting.

  • Provide Real-time Updates: AI can monitor news sources and social media to provide real-time updates on breaking news stories.

While AI cannot fully replace the human element of journalism, it does have the potential to disrupt the traditional model of news production. Journalists who focus on routine news coverage or reporting that can be automated may find their roles threatened as AI becomes more sophisticated. However, there will always be a need for human journalists who can provide context, analysis, and investigative reporting that goes beyond the capabilities of AI.

Basic Content Creation: AI is also making inroads into the realm of content creation. AI-powered tools can:

  • Generate Text: AI can generate text content, such as product descriptions, social media posts, and even basic news articles.

  • Create Images: AI-powered image generation tools can create realistic images, graphics, and artwork.

  • Compose Music: AI can generate music compositions in various styles and genres.

While AI-generated content is not yet perfect, it has the potential to disrupt the job market for low-level content creators. Roles such as copywriters, graphic designers, and social media managers may be particularly vulnerable to automation. However, there will always be a demand for human creators who can produce high-quality, original content that is tailored to specific audiences and requires creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

9. Traditional Marketing Agencies

The rise of AI-powered digital marketing tools is shaking up the traditional marketing agency landscape. Here's a closer look at two key areas of disruption:

Marketing Agencies with Limited Digital Focus: As AI tools become more sophisticated and user-friendly, businesses are increasingly looking to manage their marketing campaigns in-house. AI offers a suite of functionalities that can streamline and automate various aspects of digital marketing, potentially making traditional agencies with limited digital expertise less relevant.

Here are some key ways AI is empowering businesses to manage their own marketing:

  • Audience Targeting: AI-powered audience segmentation tools can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify target demographics, interests, and online behavior. This allows businesses to develop laser-focused marketing campaigns that reach the right people at the right time.

  • Content Creation: AI-powered content generation tools can create various types of marketing content, including social media posts, blog articles, and even basic ad copy. These tools can help businesses create a consistent flow of content without relying solely on external agencies.

  • Performance Tracking: AI-powered analytics dashboards provide real-time insights into campaign performance. Businesses can track key metrics like engagement, click-through rates, and conversions, allowing them to optimize campaigns on the fly and maximize their return on investment (ROI).

While AI can automate many routine marketing tasks, it cannot replace the strategic thinking and creative expertise of human marketers. However, traditional agencies that fail to adapt and incorporate AI tools into their offerings may struggle to compete in the future.

Ad Buying and Media Buying: The traditional model of ad buying, where human media buyers manually negotiate ad placements and allocate budgets across various channels, is being revolutionized by AI-driven programmatic advertising platforms.

Here's how AI is transforming ad buying:

  • Programmatic Bidding: AI algorithms can automatically bid on ad placements across real-time ad exchanges, securing the best possible rates for businesses based on pre-defined parameters like budget and target audience.

  • Data-Driven Optimization: AI can analyze campaign performance data in real-time, allowing for continuous optimization of ad placements, budget allocation, and creative assets for maximum effectiveness.

  • Fraud Detection: AI algorithms can be used to detect and prevent ad fraud, ensuring that businesses get the most out of their advertising budgets.

AI-powered programmatic advertising platforms offer greater efficiency, transparency, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional manual methods. While AI can automate much of the ad buying process, human expertise is still valuable in developing overall marketing strategies, crafting compelling creative content, and navigating the nuances of specific marketing channels.

10. Education and Tutoring

The education sector is also being disrupted by AI-powered tools and platforms. Here's a look at how AI is impacting two key areas:

Routine Teaching Roles: AI-driven personalized learning platforms and e-learning systems are transforming the way students learn. These platforms offer several advantages:

  • Personalized Learning Paths: AI can analyze student data to identify individual learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. This allows platforms to create personalized learning paths that cater to each student's unique needs.

  • Adaptive Learning: AI-powered adaptive learning systems can adjust the difficulty level of content in real-time based on a student's performance, ensuring that students are neither bored nor overwhelmed.

  • 24/7 Access: E-learning platforms provide students with anytime, anywhere access to learning materials, allowing them to learn at their own pace.

While these advancements offer significant benefits, they also have the potential to disrupt the traditional model of education. Teachers who primarily focus on rote learning or repetitive tasks may find their roles threatened as AI-powered tools become more sophisticated. However, there will always be a need for human educators who can provide guidance, mentorship, and emotional support that AI cannot replicate.

Test Preparation and Tutoring Services: AI platforms are also making inroads into the test preparation and tutoring market. AI-powered test prep platforms offer:

  • Personalized Practice: These platforms can generate customized practice tests based on a student's specific needs and weaknesses.

  • Adaptive Question Difficulty: AI can adjust the difficulty level of practice questions in real-time, ensuring that students are challenged but not overwhelmed.

  • Detailed Performance Analysis: AI-powered platforms can provide students with detailed feedback on their performance, highlighting areas for improvement.

While AI-powered test prep platforms can be effective tools for students, they may disrupt traditional tutoring businesses that focus solely on standardized test preparation. Human tutors who can provide personalized attention, motivation, and strategies beyond test-taking skills may still be in demand. However, tutoring businesses that fail to adapt and incorporate AI tools into their offerings may struggle to remain competitive.

11. Insurance Underwriters

The insurance industry is another sector that is being transformed by AI. Here's a look at how AI is impacting the role of insurance underwriters:

Manual Underwriting Jobs: Traditional insurance underwriting involves human underwriters assessing risk factors and determining insurance premiums. AI systems are now capable of analyzing vast amounts of data, including:

  • Customer Data: AI can analyze customer demographics, driving records, medical history, and other relevant information to assess risk.

  • Market Data: AI can analyze market trends, economic indicators, and historical claims data to identify emerging risks.

  • Social Media Data: AI can analyze social media posts and online behavior to assess customer risk profiles.

By analyzing this data, AI can make more accurate predictions about the likelihood of insurance claims, reducing the need for human underwriters to manually assess risk factors. This can lead to faster underwriting processes, more competitive pricing, and improved customer satisfaction.

However, human underwriters will still be needed for complex cases that require judgment, expertise, and the ability to handle exceptions. Additionally, human underwriters can provide personalized customer service and build relationships with policyholders, which can be important for retaining business.

12. Small Business Loan Brokers

The small business loan industry is also being disrupted by AI-powered lending platforms. Here's how AI is impacting the role of small business loan brokers:

Automated Lending Platforms: AI-driven lending platforms can assess the creditworthiness of small business loan applicants more efficiently and accurately than traditional loan brokers. These platforms use advanced algorithms to analyze a variety of data points, including:

  • Financial Statements: AI can analyze financial statements, tax returns, and other financial documents to assess a business's financial health.

  • Credit History: AI can analyze a business's credit history to assess its risk profile.

  • Industry Data: AI can analyze industry trends and economic indicators to assess the risk of a specific industry or geographic region.

By analyzing this data, AI can make more accurate predictions about the likelihood of loan default, allowing for faster and more efficient loan approvals. This can benefit small business owners who need quick access to capital to grow their businesses.

However, human loan brokers may still be valuable for small business owners who need personalized advice, guidance, and assistance with the loan application process. Additionally, human brokers can help small business owners understand the terms and conditions of loans and ensure that they are making informed decisions.

13. Traditional Farming

The agricultural industry is undergoing a technological revolution, with AI-driven automation transforming the way farms operate. Here's a look at how AI is impacting the role of agricultural labor:

Agriculture Labor: AI-powered automation tools are making farming more efficient and productive. This includes:

  • Automated Tractors: Self-driving tractors can perform tasks such as plowing, planting, and harvesting with greater precision and efficiency than human operators.

  • Drones: Drones can be used for tasks such as crop monitoring, pest control, and spraying pesticides, reducing the need for manual labor.

  • AI-Powered Crop Monitoring: AI-powered systems can analyze data from sensors and satellites to monitor crop health, identify pests and diseases, and optimize irrigation and fertilization.

These technologies can help farmers reduce labor costs, improve yields, and reduce their environmental impact. However, small-scale farms that cannot afford to invest in these technologies may struggle to compete with larger, tech-savvy farms. As AI-driven automation becomes more widespread, small-scale farms may need to find ways to collaborate with larger farms or adopt more sustainable and efficient farming practices to remain viable.

14. Traditional Recruitment Agencies

The recruitment industry is also being transformed by AI-powered hiring platforms. Here's a look at how AI is impacting the role of traditional recruitment agencies:

Recruiters: AI-powered hiring platforms can automate many of the tasks traditionally performed by human recruiters, including:

  • Resume Screening: AI can quickly scan resumes, identifying keywords and matching them to job requirements.

  • Candidate Profiling: AI can analyze candidate profiles, including social media data and online portfolios, to assess their skills and experience.

  • Job Matching: AI can use advanced algorithms to match candidates with suitable job openings based on their skills, experience, and preferences.

These tools can significantly streamline the recruitment process, reducing the time and cost involved in finding qualified candidates. As AI continues to improve, companies may increasingly turn to these platforms rather than relying on traditional recruitment agencies.

However, human recruiters will still be needed for tasks that require complex assessments, building relationships with candidates, and providing personalized guidance. Additionally, human recruiters can help companies develop effective hiring strategies and ensure that they are complying with relevant employment laws and regulations.

15. Retail Banking and Teller Services

The rise of digital banking and automated financial services is disrupting the traditional model of retail banking. Here's a look at how AI is impacting the role of bank tellers and other in-branch staff:

Branch Banking Jobs: As more consumers adopt online banking and mobile apps, the demand for physical bank branches is declining. Many banks are closing branches or downsizing their operations, leading to a reduction in the need for bank tellers and other in-branch staff.

Some of the specific ways AI is driving this shift include:

  • Online Banking: Online banking platforms allow customers to perform a wide range of transactions, such as checking balances, transferring funds, and paying bills, without ever visiting a branch.

  • Mobile Apps: Mobile banking apps offer similar functionalities to online banking, but with the added convenience of being accessible from smartphones and tablets.

  • ATMs and Self-Service Kiosks: ATMs and self-service kiosks can be used for a variety of transactions, including cash withdrawals, deposits, and bill payments, reducing the need for human interaction.

  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide customer support and answer basic questions, reducing the need for human customer service agents.

While AI is automating many of the tasks traditionally performed by bank tellers and other in-branch staff, there will still be a need for human employees to handle complex transactions, provide personalized advice, and build relationships with customers. However, the number of bank branches and the demand for in-branch staff are likely to continue to decline as more consumers adopt digital banking and automated financial services.

How to Adapt

Businesses facing the threat of AI disruption can still thrive by adopting a proactive approach and embracing the opportunities that AI presents. Here are some key strategies:

Embracing Technology:

  • Incorporate AI and automation tools: Leverage AI and automation technologies to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. This could involve automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows, and enhancing decision-making processes.

  • Invest in AI research and development: Stay ahead of the curve by investing in AI research and development to identify new opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage.

  • Partner with AI experts: Collaborate with AI experts and technology providers to develop tailored solutions that address specific business needs.

Upskilling Workers:

  • Invest in employee training and development: Provide employees with the skills and knowledge they need to adapt to the changing workplace. Focus on training programs that develop critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

  • Reskill workers for new roles: Help employees transition into new roles that are less susceptible to automation. This may involve providing training in emerging technologies, digital skills, or customer service.

  • Foster a culture of continuous learning: Create a workplace culture that encourages employees to continuously learn and develop their skills. This can be achieved through mentorship programs, access to online courses, and opportunities for professional development.


  • Focus on human-centric services: Identify areas where human judgment, creativity, and emotional intelligence are essential. This could include personalized customer service, complex problem-solving, or creative tasks that require a human touch.

  • Offer high-touch customer experiences: Provide exceptional customer service that goes beyond what AI can offer. This could involve personalized attention, tailored recommendations, and empathetic support.

  • Leverage AI to enhance human capabilities: Use AI to augment human capabilities rather than replace them entirely. For example, AI can provide data-driven insights that can inform human decision-making, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.

The key to adapting to the AI era is to innovate, embrace technology, and focus on areas where human skills and capabilities remain essential. By proactively implementing these strategies, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in the face of AI-driven disruption.

The AI Disruptors: Industries at Risk
Hamed Mohammadi September 11, 2024
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