From Human Computers to AI Lawyers: Will Robots Take Our Jobs?

What jobs will become devices or robots next? Delivery drones and robot janitors are already here! Will we have writer bots and AI lawyers in the future?
June 29, 2024 by
From Human Computers to AI Lawyers: Will Robots Take Our Jobs?
Hamed Mohammadi
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Remember when "computer" referred to a person who crunched numbers all day? Today, that definition seems quaint – a relic of a bygone era, even though it is form the mid last century. Now, the term conjures up images of sleek machines capable of complex calculations in milliseconds. This rapid technological evolution raises a crucial question: what jobs will be next to be replaced by devices and robots?

The answer is likely multifaceted. While some jobs, like factory assembly line workers, have already seen significant automation, others might seem untouchable. But the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) throws a wrench into those predictions. Delivery drones are already buzzing through the skies, and robot janitors are quietly keeping floors spotless.

The Future of Work: A Double-Edged Sword

Automation's impact on the future of work, by inventing intelligent robots and devices is a complex double-edged sword. Here we discus the breakdown of the potential benefits, drawbacks, and lingering uncertainties.

The Upsides of AI Automation

The rise of AI automation promises to reshape the way we work across industries. Repetitive tasks that currently consume vast amounts of human effort, like data entry, scheduling appointments, and basic customer service inquiries, are prime candidates for automation. Imagine a world where doctors are relieved of the burden of endless paperwork, freeing them to dedicate more time to patient care, diagnosis, and treatment (until when robots completely replace human doctors!). This shift could lead to significant improvements in healthcare efficiency and patient outcomes. However, the potential for automation extends far beyond administrative tasks.

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency

While the complete replacement of doctors with robots might seem like science fiction, automation is already making inroads into medical diagnosis and treatment. AI-powered systems are being developed to analyze medical scans, identify potential health issues, and even suggest treatment options. These systems can work tirelessly, analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns that might escape the human eye. This collaboration between human expertise and machine intelligence has the potential to revolutionize healthcare.

Similar advancements are taking place in creative fields. Imagine you're a film producer with a spark of an idea. Instead of scouring for a screenwriter, you could utilize a sophisticated AI tool. This "screenwriter device" wouldn't simply churn out generic scripts. You could feed it your ideas, plot points, and desired tone. The AI would then use its vast knowledge of storytelling tropes, character development, and dialogue to generate multiple drafts, refining them based on your feedback. This wouldn't (or would?) eliminate the need for human creativity – it would act as a powerful collaborator, accelerating the creative process and freeing you to focus on the bigger picture.

The world of fiction writing could also be transformed. As a writer, you might envision buying an "AI writer box" that you could talk to, brainstorming ideas, outlining plots, and even generating initial drafts based on your prompts. This wouldn't replace the human touch (or maybe would!) – the spark of imagination, the emotional depth, and the unique voice that a human writer brings to the table. But it could significantly reduce the time-consuming cycles of writing, revising, and rewriting, allowing you to focus on polishing your work and developing your unique style.

Economic Growth

One of the most significant potential benefits of automation lies in its ability to drive economic growth. Automation streamlines processes, reduces errors, and frees up human workers to focus on higher-value activities. Imagine factories with robots handling assembly lines at lightning speed, or logistics companies with self-driving trucks optimizing delivery routes. These improvements in efficiency translate to businesses producing more goods and services at lower costs, making them more competitive in the global marketplace.

By automating repetitive tasks, businesses free up resources to invest in research and development (R&D). This can lead to the creation of entirely new products, services, and industries. For example, the automation of basic tasks in the financial sector paved the way for the development of online banking and investment platforms.

While automation may displace some workers in existing jobs, it also creates new opportunities in sectors driven by innovation. The rise of automation will necessitate the development, maintenance, and operation of these new technologies. This will require a skilled workforce specializing in areas like robotics, artificial intelligence, and data science.

While the notion of replacing the entire workforce with robots might be unrealistic, the concept of intelligent worker robots collaborating with humans holds immense potential. Imagine robots handling the heavy lifting and dangerous tasks in manufacturing facilities, freeing up human workers to focus on quality control and design. Or consider AI-powered assistants in customer service roles, providing initial troubleshooting and basic information while human agents handle complex inquiries. This collaborative approach leverages the strengths of both humans and machines, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Entrepreneurs have long lamented the difficulty of finding a perfectly matched and enthusiastic workforce. Intelligent humanoid robots could be their dreams come true. However, the goal of automation shouldn't be to completely replace human workers with robots. Instead, it should be seen as a tool to empower the human workforce, allowing them to focus on their strengths and contribute to innovation in a more meaningful way. By embracing a future where humans and intelligent machines work together, we can unlock a new era of economic prosperity and human potential.

Improved Working Conditions

Automation offers a compelling solution to the challenges posed by dangerous or physically demanding jobs. Imagine factory floors where robots, shielded by advanced materials and programmed with safety protocols, handle hazardous materials like asbestos, molten metals, or toxic chemicals. These tireless machines can perform these tasks with precision and consistency, significantly reducing the risk of worker exposure and injuries.

The benefits extend beyond manufacturing. In construction, robots can be deployed for tasks like demolition, welding at high heights, or handling heavy machinery in confined spaces. Similarly, in sectors like mining, automated drones or remote-controlled vehicles can extract resources from unstable or hazardous environments, eliminating the need for human workers to enter these dangerous zones.

The impact of automation on worker safety goes beyond physical dangers. Repetitive tasks that cause muscle strain, back pain, and fatigue can also be automated. Imagine assembly line workers relieved of the physical toll of lifting heavy objects or performing repetitive motions for extended periods. This can lead to a significant decrease in work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), improving overall worker health and well-being.

The Downsides of Automation

Job Displacement

A significant concern is that automation will render many existing jobs obsolete. Manufacturing, transportation, and administrative roles might be particularly affected.

This could lead to displacement can create periods of high unemployment, straining social safety nets and leading to economic hardship.

The benefits of automation might not be evenly distributed. New jobs created by automation could require higher skill sets, potentially exacerbating the gap between the rich and the poor. High unemployment and widening income inequality can lead to social unrest and political instability.

The Great Unknown: The Capabilities of AI

The true potential of AI remains shrouded in a certain degree of mystery. Some lingering questions should be answered.

  • Can AI replace the human touch?: Professions that rely heavily on human empathy, creativity, or complex judgment calls, like writing, law, or healthcare, appear to be less susceptible to automation. However, AI's capabilities for tasks like generating creative text formats or legal document review are constantly evolving.

  • The rise of the "cobot": The future might see a rise in collaborative robots, or "cobots," working alongside humans. These robots could complement human skills, boosting productivity and creating new job opportunities in human-machine collaboration.

By acknowledging these complexities, we can start preparing for the future of work and ensure it benefits everyone.

Equipping Yourself for the Evolving Workplace

The future of work demands a proactive approach. Here we discuss some key strategies to navigate the ever-changing landscape.

Sharpen Your Human Edge

  • Cultivate Creativity and Critical Thinking: Jobs requiring problem-solving and generating innovative solutions are less susceptible to automation. Hone your ability to think outside the box, analyze situations, and develop creative approaches.

  • Master Communication and Emotional Intelligence: The ability to clearly convey ideas, collaborate effectively, and navigate complex interpersonal relationships are crucial skills for the future workforce.

  • Lifelong Learning Becomes the Norm: Embrace continuous learning as a way of life. Explore online courses, attend workshops, and consider pursuing additional certifications to stay abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends. The World Economic Forum suggests focusing on skills like complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision-making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility (

Embrace Upskilling and Reskilling

  • Identify In-Demand Skills: Research the skills most sought after in your industry and those with projected growth. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning or Coursera offer a wealth of courses to help you develop these in-demand skillsets.

  • Microlearning for Busy Schedules: Break down learning into bite-sized chunks. Take advantage of microlearning platforms that offer short, focused learning modules that can be completed in stolen moments throughout your day.

  • Seek Guidance from Mentors: Connect with experienced professionals in your field who can offer valuable mentorship and guidance on navigating career transitions and developing relevant skills.

Advocate for Supportive Policies

  • Universal Basic Income (UBI): UBI, a periodic payment to all citizens, could provide a safety net for those displaced by automation while they acquire new skills.

  • Government-Funded Retraining Programs: Support policies that offer retraining programs for workers whose jobs are affected by automation, helping them transition to new roles in the evolving economy.

By equipping ourselves with the right skills and advocating for supportive policies, we can shape a future where humans and technology thrive together. What steps are you taking to prepare for the future of work? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!

From Human Computers to AI Lawyers: Will Robots Take Our Jobs?
Hamed Mohammadi June 29, 2024
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