Are We Getting Dumber as AI Gets Smarter?

The impact of artificial intelligence on human race intelligence and IQ
August 2, 2024 by
Are We Getting Dumber as AI Gets Smarter?
Hamed Mohammadi
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The meteoric rise of artificial intelligence in recent years has ignited a compelling and complex concern: as AI systems become increasingly sophisticated, is there a corresponding decline in human cognitive abilities? This provocative question has captured the imagination of researchers, educators, and technologists worldwide. As AI takes on more cognitive tasks, from data analysis to problem-solving, it prompts us to think deeper about the intricate relationship between technology and human intelligence. By examining the potential impacts of AI on various cognitive functions and considering the ways in which humans might adapt or be augmented by these advancements, we can begin to unravel the implications of this transformative era.

The Rise of AI

Artificial intelligence has undergone a meteoric rise, fundamentally reshaping countless aspects of our world. From the ubiquitous virtual assistants that have become our digital companions to the complex algorithms powering self-driving cars, AI's capabilities are expanding at an astonishing pace. These advancements have catalyzed unprecedented improvements in efficiency, productivity, and problem-solving across industries. As AI continues to evolve, the prospect of highly sophisticated AI systems assuming tasks traditionally performed by humans is increasingly tangible, raising profound questions about the future of work and society.

The Reverse Flynn Effect

In stark contrast to the historical trend of increasing IQ scores, a growing body of research points to a troubling phenomenon known as the Reverse Flynn Effect. This trend indicates a decline in specific cognitive abilities, particularly abstract reasoning, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving, among younger generations. While the exact causes are complex and multifaceted, many experts attribute this shift in part to the escalating reliance on AI and digital technologies. As individuals become increasingly accustomed to obtaining information and solutions with minimal cognitive effort, there is a concern that essential mental faculties may be atrophying.

The Impact of AI on Learning and Skills

A primary concern arising from the integration of AI into our lives is its potential to hinder the development of fundamental human skills. While AI tools undoubtedly offer significant benefits, there is a risk of overreliance. For instance, AI-powered writing assistants can generate polished text, but this convenience may discourage individuals from developing their own writing proficiency, including grammar, style, and critical thinking. Similarly, AI-driven educational platforms, capable of providing instant answers to complex questions, might inadvertently discourage the development of in-depth knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and the perseverance required to work through challenges independently.

The Cognitive Trade-Off

AI's capacity to effortlessly handle complex tasks presents a potential cognitive trade-off. As we increasingly rely on AI to manage various aspects of our lives, we may inadvertently reduce the mental exertion required for these tasks. Similar to the principle of physical muscle atrophy, our cognitive abilities could weaken from disuse if we consistently delegate challenging thought processes to AI. This raises serious concerns about the long-term implications for our ability to think critically, solve problems independently, and maintain mental agility. By offloading cognitive labor, we risk a gradual erosion of essential mental faculties that underpin human ingenuity and innovation.

Balancing AI and Human Intelligence

While AI undoubtedly offers a vast array of benefits, striking a harmonious equilibrium between technological advancement and human cognitive development is paramount. Educators, policymakers, and society as a whole must prioritize the cultivation of critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem-solving skills. These uniquely human abilities are essential for navigating an increasingly AI-driven world. Engaging in mentally stimulating activities such as puzzles, in-depth reading, and robust discussions can help counteract the potential atrophy of cognitive faculties that may arise from overreliance on AI. By fostering a culture that values both technological innovation and human ingenuity, we can harness the power of AI while preserving our capacity for independent thought, innovation, and empathy.

The Evolution of Physical and Mental Fitness

Decades ago, people led more physically active lifestyles due to the nature of their daily routines. Manual labor, walking long distances, and engaging in physically demanding tasks were common, reducing the need for structured workouts. However, with the advent of modern conveniences and sedentary jobs, the necessity for regular exercise to maintain physical health has become more pronounced.

The Shift to Sedentary Lifestyles

In the past, physical activity was naturally integrated into daily life. Farming, construction, and other labor-intensive jobs kept people moving. Today, many of us spend hours sitting at desks, commuting in cars, and relaxing in front of screens. This shift has led to a rise in health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, making regular exercise essential for maintaining good health.

The Rise of Brain Gyms

Just as our bodies need physical exercise to stay healthy, our brains require mental stimulation to remain sharp. The concept of “brain gyms” is gaining traction as a way to keep our cognitive abilities in top shape. These mental workouts can include activities like puzzles, memory games, learning new skills, and engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations.

The Future of Cognitive Health

As AI continues to take over more routine tasks, the need for mental exercise becomes even more critical. Brain gyms could become an essential part of our health regimen, much like physical gyms are today. By regularly challenging our brains, we can enhance our memory, improve problem-solving skills, and maintain overall cognitive health.

Integrating Physical and Mental Fitness

Balancing physical and mental fitness is key to a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating activities that stimulate both the body and the mind can lead to a more holistic approach to health. For example, activities like dancing, yoga, and team sports not only provide physical benefits but also require mental engagement and coordination.


The relationship between AI and human intelligence is complex and multifaceted. While AI continues to advance and enhance our lives, it’s essential to remain mindful of its impact on our cognitive abilities. By fostering a balanced approach that combines the strengths of AI with the unique capabilities of human intelligence, we can ensure a future where both coexist harmoniously.

While the need for physical exercise has increased due to our modern sedentary lifestyles, the importance of mental exercise is also becoming more apparent. Embracing both physical and mental workouts can help us lead healthier, more balanced lives in the age of AI.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you think AI is making us dumber, or is it simply changing the way we approach problem-solving and learning?

What do you think about the idea of brain gyms? Do you have any favorite mental exercises or activities that keep your mind sharp?

Are We Getting Dumber as AI Gets Smarter?
Hamed Mohammadi August 2, 2024
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